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Effects of Trauma on Children Development

Coursework Instructions:

Topic: Investigate and discuss different cultural beliefs that people in the United States have about children’s development and how it may be affected by trauma due to death, divorce, grief, or a loss of a parent such as when a parent walks out of their child’s life at a young age by permanently leaving the family for good. There are many topics you can choose but as I just named a few of them to give you an idea.
Before you read the prompt below think of how a parent should address their children with any of the issues states above. For instance, if one of the parents walks out of the family for no reason, what do you believe would be the best way to address the child in explaining the trauma the child might have as they won’t have their other parent around anymore? It’s not like you are going to tell the child that his or her Mom or Dad left the child because he or she didn’t love the child anymore. It’s most likely that you are probably going to tell the young child something that will not traumatize the child. Therefore, how would you believe would be the best way to address the child’s trauma, and what are the beliefs of two other different people from different cultures as to how they would address the child’s trauma in that scenario.
Another example you can choose could be what is the best way to explain to a child who is going to trauma for the loss a parent. For instance, the coronavirus pandemic has affected millions of people and a lot of children have lost not only a parent, sometimes both parents, as well as other family members all in a short period of time. Therefore, what do you believe would be the best way to explain to a child who lost a parent. It is not like you would blatantly tell a young child that their parent died and get over it right because a child would need to cope with the trauma one way or another. Instead, someone from one culture might say that their parent went to heaven to try to ease the trauma. Another person from a different culture might say the parent went for a long sleep as the adult explaining to the child might not believe in heaven because of his or her culture. Perhaps another adult from another culture might believe in an afterlife. So, as you can there are different ways to how cultures address children when they are experiencing some sort of trauma.
Another scenario can be like when a child experiences the grief and loss of a military parent who was killed during military deployment. What would be your belief about explaining to the child what occurred to the child's parent? How do think the child’s development be like in grieving processes and how the child would be affected by trauma.
So now that you have an idea of the topics pick any of the mentioned above or choose any other that deals with children’s development and how it may be affected by the traumatic situations. The idea is know you, and two other people from different cultures handle the same situation but with different beliefs and at the same connected your responses to theorists mentioned below in the prompt.
Step #1: First, you will write an introduction of a belief that you have about children’s development and how it may be affected by trauma due to death or divorce or other traumatic situations for a child. For this step, it is about what you believe in about children’s development and how it may be affected by trauma due to death or divorce. Therefore, pick a topic between death, or divorce, or something different that you want to talk about that children are affected by trauma. Then state how you would address it with the child.
Step #2. Then you must investigate and discuss by asking two different people from other different cultures than your own culture who have different beliefs than you.
For example, before you ask the two other people to mention your beliefs on the topic to the people you will ask.
Step #3: Now, you can ask your friends and or co-workers who you know are from different cultures and ask them what their beliefs about children’s development in the United States are and how it may be affected by trauma due to death or divorce just make sure it is the same topic you chose for step #1. Make sure to ask questions about the belief that they have and compare and contrast it with your beliefs.
Step #4: So, for each person that type in one page where you include a small list of questions you asked like for example five questions and then below each question type in the person’s answers. For subheadings, you can have Person #1 and Person #1 or you can write the subheading representing their culture. Therefore, this step requires 2 pages as you dedicate one page for each person.
Step #5: Now, in another 2 pages (one page for each of the two people of the two cultures that you asked) you will now link their responses and beliefs, ideas, and or thoughts to theorists like Mary Ainsworth's, Harry Harlow's theory, and John Bowlby's theory and any other theorist located in the link below. For example, think about the attachment theories and compare as to how the two people from the different cultures responded to your question in how they would address the child's traumatic situation because remember some children are very attached to their parents so if they lose a parent for whatever reason it will be hard and traumatic for the child.
Here is the link that has many theorists: http://mail(dot)psychology4a(dot)com/develop10.htm
Step #6: Finally, in another 2 pages demonstrate your ability to be a critical early childhood educator and how you would address these traumatic situations in a classroom because in a classroom setting a teacher must be somewhat neutral in his or her beliefs in explaining traumatic situations that a child experience. For instance, a teacher can’t necessarily say to his or her students that a classmate’s parent passed away and went to heaven because one of the other classmates might have been raised under a different culture at home where they don’t necessarily believe in heaven. Therefore, now that you have your beliefs, and the beliefs of two other people from different cultures what have you learned in children’s development of the traumatic situation and how to help the child with the trauma. For instance, think of different but neutral approaches that a teacher has to learn because a teacher can’t necessarily apply his or her beliefs on his or her students as he or she as the teacher has to also respects the beliefs that his or her students are being taught at home by their parent’s cultures.
Assignment Guidelines
*Must be at least 6 pages
Must be in Times New Roman Font Size 12 with 1-inch margins all around.
• Must be in APA 7 format
• Must have at a minimum of one APA citation. Feel free to cite more than one time especially when you talk about Mary Ainsworth, Harry Harlow, and John Bowlby but just make sure you use educational sources.
• Must have a reference page. You must have at least 1 reference. Now if you cite any other educational sources make sure to cite them properly and add them to your references.

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

Effects of Trauma on Children Development.
Course Code:
Effects of Trauma on Children Development
Children who have experienced traumas throughout their lives develop reactions. The reactions can vary from behavioral changes, regression in life, emotional upset, anxiety, inability to form attachments to depression. Therefore, children need to be helped during this stage to ensure the trauma doesn't result in unwanted developmental changes. Divorce is one of the traumas that children can find difficult to get over, especially in their younger years. At this stage, children find it hard to comprehend the reasons why the parents separated. Most end up wondering if the split is their fault since the parents rarely offer any explanation. For teens, the concept of divorce is clear to them; however, the effects of divorce are still present. Teens will be interested in and end up finding the reasons for divorce. Depending on the conclusion they come up with, they may take one parent's side and resent another. This essay analyzes how divorce impacts children's development and how it can be addressed to avoid stagnation or regression in development.
This investigation will employ a descriptive survey design by the use of interview and questionnaire methods. One perspective is the belief of Catholics on divorce. According to the catholic church, all consummated sacramental marriages are considered permanent. The marriage only ends when one partner dies, or there are grounds for annulment such as infidelity. As the United States' divorce rates continue to rise, Catholics feel that the church should change its divorce stance. Catholics that are divorced or remarry without an annulment of previous marriages are borne from receiving Communion. According to a recent Pew Research Center survey, 35% of American Catholics believe that getting remarried after a divorce without an annulment is sin compared to 49% that don't consider it sinful. Only 21% of Catholics believe that any form of divorce is sinful, while 61% say it's not CITATION MIC15 \l 1033 (LIPKA, 2015).
The second perspective is the nature of divorce within the Black American community. In the Black culture, the community senses a big contributor to family behaviors and prevailing cultural norms CITATION Wil20 \l 1033 (Williams, 2020). Marriages among the Black American communities have been on the decline, consequently reducing Black individuals' desire to marry. The belief is that parental divorce manifests its effects in future intimate relationships. The most common effects of divorce on a Black child are the pressure to choose sides, a possible change in socioeconomic classes, and a feeling of detachment from the nuclear family.
From a more balanced perspective, I discuss children's development in the U.S. with my coworker from a well-off family. I discover that he is a big advocate for pharmacotherapy in the treatment of childhood traumas. His socioeconomic status affords him the privileges of access to quality healthcare. Raised in a culture of enormous spending, it is obvious why he prefers a costly solution. I'm afraid I have to disagree with his belief on pharmacotherapy's effectiveness as the tr...
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