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Case Study
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The New West Company: Scalable Business

Case Study Instructions:

This class name is "human resource planning", please read the case study very carefully, and follow the instruction to answer each question, the total has two questions, but each question has branch question, so please make sure you answer each of them, hope you can finish it before the deadline so we have time to modify if there is something I think need to. Email me if you have any questions, thanks a lot!

Case Study Sample Content Preview:
Case Study Author Name University Name If New West wants to create a sustainable and scalable business, they would have to understand how difficult it is to develop emotional connections with clients and build brand equity. Once its products or services become popular, the company can charge according to their own desires, but till then, they should offer special discounts and concessions to attract more and more customers from across the globe. Given its current situation, I feel that New West has to bring some changes in its marketing and product development sectors. The profit margin has to be reduced to an extent until or unless the company gets its reputation and customers’ trust back. They have to pay utmost attention to market factors, such as globalization and technology because without these two things, New West cannot achieve the desired results. It looks like the computers, software, and marketing tactics they are using are outdated and should be replaced with some improved and advanced ones. Currently, nearly 700 individuals are working in different departments of the New West Company. There are 3...
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