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Case Study
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Case Study: Good of Business

Case Study Instructions:

Answer the question below after reading the case study


                        Future Fashion - White Papers Case Studies 10% of Term


 NAME     ________________________________Due Date: 11;59 pm  via Blackboard / Course messages as an attachment                                                                


 Title of paper _______________________________________________ 



1.What is the primary objective(s) of this paper?


2.Where  & when does this paper see the objective(s) being met?(place/ time frame ?)



3.How are the objectives being met ?




4.Why must these objectives be met?



5.What are the major hurdles to be overcome?



6 .What course topic in our leanings does this represent ?

Identify the chapter; Identify how it relates to the learning outcome of that chapter & concept .




7. How does this case study reflect the  key concept of the chapter?





Case Study Sample Content Preview:

Good of Business
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Good of Business
1 This paper's primary objective is to reduce the environmental, economic and social impact of toxic chemicals emitted during the production of conventional cotton. The author advocates for the consumption of organic products to conserve the environment and improve farmers' lives and the general population. In chronological order, the key issues include;
#1. Reducing environmental pollution
#2. Production of affordable organic products
#3. Changing the mindset of consumers about organic farming.
2 The use of organic cotton for ladies apparel for Sam's Club, the warehouse club division of Walmart, decreased the amount of toxic chemicals emitted from conventional cotton merchandise production.
3 To reduce toxic waste emanating from the textile industry, Walmart started sourcing cotton from organic suppliers and produced appealing merchandise at friendly prices....
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