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Enforceable Contractual Law

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Enforceable Contractual Law
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Enforceable Contractual Law
Question I
Gilbert is legally entitled to the double-time of $200 as promised by Lee because they were engaged in an enforceable contract. An enforceable contract can be an oral or written agreement imposed in a court of law. Gilbert and Lee are in a contract that Gilbert would be paid $100 for working on single shifts every holiday. However, Lee convinces Gilbert to patrol the car park for Johnny, another sick car park attendant who was sick. The agreement between Gilbert and Lee is was never documented on a formal contract. Taking up a shift for a sick attendant was based on a mutual agreement, and Lee extended an offer to which Gilbert accepted. Thirdly, there is a legal consideration since Gilbert was to get double the amount he would have obtained from a single shift. Gilbert and Lee are of sound mind, legal age, and unencumbered by drugs or intoxication by alcohol (Andrews & Yang, 2016). Finally, Gilbert and Lee have genuine consents a...
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