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Communications & Media
Case Study
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The Paucity of Tuberculosis Medication in a Developing Country

Case Study Instructions:

Review the health communication case study materials
Create a post and answer the questions below. Incorporate at least one principle from the Public Health Leadership Society’s code of conduct and any other relevant values. Also, include any facts, citing them.
1. What decision must be made? (This may be harder to define than you originally think.)
2. What are the one or more moral problems?
3, Who is the ultimate decision maker that will decide whether to enact a solution and provide the resources necessary for enactment?
4, Who, if anyone, can be an ally who can help persuade the ultimate decisionmaker to address the one or more moral problems?
5. Thus far, who has the researcher involved in the process for critically examining the one or more moral problems (identify the types of people rather than naming specific individuals)? Do not identify the one or more allies here. For each type of person:
a. What is his/her organization (identify the type of organization rather than naming specific organizations)?
b. What has been his/her role in the process for critically examining the moral problem? Describe the role in terms of being a content expert or working team member.
6. What additional steps do you think the researcher should take before deciding whether to whistle blow to the public?
The following readings will help you think about what kinds of people to involve in a team effort to examine a moral problem in the workplace and how they can work together. Note that one of the readings is specific to the educational field; regardless, I think you’ll find it helpful.
*Keelin, T., Schoemaker, P., & Spetzler, C. (2009). Decision quality: The fundamentals of making good decisions. Retrieved from https://docs(dot)wixstatic(dot)com/ugd/d3c97e_9452fec9f54e674f5c4e6f0dcd5edc63.pdf (focus on pp. 16-21)
*Comer, D. R., & Baker, S. D. (2011). I defy with a little help from my friends: Raising an organization’s ethical bar through a morally courageous coalition. In D. R. Comer & G. Vega (Eds.), Moral courage in organizations: Doing the right thing at work (pp.171-181). Retrieved from http://ebookcentral(dot)proquest(dot)com (read all 11 pages)
The following readings present a case study in health communication that you will discuss, specifically how an expatriate researcher might address the paucity of tuberculosis medication in a developing country. Your discussion will draw from these materials, so I recommend that you review the discussion questions before going through the readings.
*Public Health Leadership Society. (2002). Principles of the ethical practice of public health. Retrieved from https://www(dot)apha(dot)org/-/media/files/pdf/membergroups/ethics/ethics_brochure.ashx?la=en&hash=1E9425A9C96347E42AC0D6B0D2000AA6A8717C3C (focus on pp. 2-4)
*Meslin, E. M., & Garba, I. (2016). International collaboration for global public health. In D. Barrett, L. Ortmann, A. Dawson, C. Saenz, A. Reis, & G. Bolan (Eds.), Public health ethics: Cases spanning the globe (pp. 241-284). Retrieved from https://link-springer-com(dot)proxy1(dot)library(dot)jhu(dot)edu/book/10.1007%2F978-3-319-23847-0 (focus on pp. 266-268)

Case Study Sample Content Preview:

613 Discussion
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613 Discussion
1. What decision must be made? (This may be harder to define than you originally think.)
I must decide on if I am ready for the possible repercussions once I inform the media about the stock out. Being in a foreign country presents challenges of transparency and accountability on the part of the ministry of health. Instances of corruption have been cited as possible contributor to the challenge. Raising alarm through the media may lead to a backlash from the local authorities. Despite all these challenges, I must decide on the consequences of the communication.
2. What are the one or more moral problems?
One moral problem is proceeding with a communication that may tarnish the reputation of the ministry of health and cause repercussions on the organization the researcher is affiliated. Informing the public through conferences and media houses of the problem of stock outs will put the country on the spotlight. If sponsors detect issues of corruption, they are likely to deny the country more supplies which further escalates the problem. Additionally, the government may not take the expose lightly and may take punitive measures against the researcher. The ministry may also choose to deny that such a problem exists. Lastly, the government may retaliate against the organization affiliated with the researcher (Meslin & Garba, 2016). This may adversely affect the operations of the organization in the country. Hence, if the researcher decides to act, there is a possible retaliation from the government. However, if the researcher does nothing, the country will continue experiencing shortages.
3, Who is the ultimate decision maker that will decide whether to enact a solution and provide the resources necessary for enactment?
The ultimate decision maker is the ministry of health. The ministry is responsible for acquiring the required drugs. It is tasked with ensuring that there is a constant supply of drugs. In the current stock out of TB drugs can be directly attributed to the failure of the ministry of health to act accordingly. Additionally. WHO works with governments through the ministry of health to ensure countries have adequate supply of drugs according to their requirements. Since the ministry of health is mandated to request for medication from the WHO, it is the ultimate provider that has all the resources needed for enactment.
4, Who, if anyone, can be an ally who can help persuade the ultimate decisionmaker to address the one or more moral problems?
The researcher can collaborate wi...
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