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Disney Analysis

Case Study Instructions:

The company I choose is Disney
Current Strategy
This section covers three aspects of corporate strategy that influence the marketing plan: (1) the mission, (2)business strategies of the Walt Disney Company.
The mission of Disney is to entertain, inform and inspire people around the globe through the power of unparalleled storytelling, reflecting the iconic brands, creative minds and innovative technologies that make them the world's premier entertainment company.
Business strategy:
To maintain the dominate status in the market, Disney keeps expending the business sections as well as purchasing other animation studios and media groups.
Media network: Media networks are a major part of Disney's business, including the company's television network, cable channels, related productions and distribution companies, as well as television stations Walt Disney Television and ESPN. With the influence of the covid-19 pandemic, Disney shifted its focus on developing video streaming service, whose users increase 84% during this period compared to 2019 (citation).
Film industry: Overall, Disney continuously purchase film and animation studio, which has operated Marvel, Disney studio, PIXAR, Twenty-First Century Fox and Lucas Film today. Therefore, they earn high competency in the film market. In order to better promote the film to target audience, Disney's strategy places its films front and center, with relying on a multitude of transmedia texts and paratexts to supplement its core narrtive (citation). These supplements contributes to the diversity of the audience group, which offers the marginalized audience with the sense of cultual identity.
Parks, experience, and products: In order to fulfill the licensing market, Disney launch products related to their character libraries, and put forward different strategies towards it. For better stimulate the consumption of entertainment park, Disney hopes leave tourists to stay more than one day. They offer ticket packages, including hotel, park ticket, fastpass and meal, fulfilling the basic need to enjoy the time in Disney land.
The following is the question that needed to be answered
Why you Feel it Will be Dominant in the Future –Consider the firm’s business model, how it is evolving and how changes in technology and consumer behaviour may impact its future success. Are their broad trends that might help drive future success? Be sure to explore how your company compares to its main competitors as well as its less direct/obvious competitors. Indicate where the company’s strategy is appropriate and where it is flawed. If possible, also add some rudimentary financial analysis.

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Disney Analysis
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The ultimate goal of every business organization is to revolutionize the market and enjoy a fair share of it. Walt Disney Company is an aggressive entertainment company whose future is brighter than its competitors. The company is continuously expanding its market through partnerships and buying other entertainment companies. Among the recent market expansion deals is the 2019 Disney-Fox merger. The companies merged on a $71.3 billion deal that will see Disney company grow stronger to face streaming companies like Netflix head-on, especially after the launch of Disney + (Shwartz, 2016). This is significant because it increases the market share the company controls.
Disney takes advantage of the current state of affairs to satisfy customer needs. First, it has several entertainment outlets like cable channels, television networks, and distribution channels that ensure the consumers’ entertainment needs are addressed well. The company launched Disney +, a video streaming outlet, in 2019, which became more popular after the onset of the COVID 19 pandemic and hitting 84% users in the US (Spangler, 2019). Together with other media outlets like EPN TV, Lucas Film, and Marvel Studios,...
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