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History Discussion: Slavery in the South

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Make a discussion to Instructor's Statement: In the South, there was no social interaction among the different races due to the creation of slavery as a social caste system. Slaves and white southerners experienced no interaction whatsoever except for the daily routines on the plantation fields that were more managerial in nature. If one looks at Jefferson's mansion at Monticello as an example, the architectural style along with the interior configurations were commonplace throughout the South, giving no opportunity of interaction among the races. What therefore developed due to prevalent economic and legal circumstances is the growth and development of two separate societies and communities totally immune to each other, peculiar to their own lifestyles, traditions and cultures.

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History Discussion
In the South, there was no social interaction among the different races due to the creation of slavery as a social caste system. Slavery allowed the slaveholders to live comfortable lives because they could afford “superior housing, food, clothing, and luxuries” (Norton, Katzman and Escott 306). However, this was at the expense of the slaves, who belonged to an inferior race, at least according to the whites, including those who did not own slaves. Many slaves acquired “dietary-deficiency diseases” and also lived in one-roomed, overcrowded houses (p.310). This not only limited social interaction but also created social classes between the two races. Surprisingly, the slaveholders considered themselves important people, not because they were wealthy, but because they advanced the welfare of society, including the black people. Slaveholders “developed feelings towards their sla...
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