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Outcomes of Three-Fifths Compromise

Essay Instructions:

Introduce your paper with your previously crafted thesis statement.
Describe two (2) outcomes of the 3/5ths Compromise, Missouri Compromise of 1820, Compromise of 1850, Kansas-Nebraska Act, and the Dred Scott Decision. Note: Be sure to provide two (2) outcomes for each legislation.
Suggest three (3) reasons why slavery was, and is, incompatible with our political and economic system.
List three to five (3-5) driving forces that led to the Civil War.
Use at least three (3) academic references besides or in addition to the textbook. Note: Wikipedia and other similar websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Outcomes of Three-Fifths Compromise
During the Constitutional Convention in 1787, an agreement was reached by the state delegates, which is known as the three-fifths compromise. The primary outcome of this agreement is that every enslaved American was granted a three-fifth of a person count for taxation and representation purposes. This resulted in a higher electoral power of the Southern states, which reached up to nearly 45 percent in the US Congress. Another outcome of this compromise is its impact on US politics. It resulted in an unequal influence of slave states on positions of power such as the presidency and the Supreme Court. In addition to this, the US had an almost equal number of states with or without slavery (, n.d.).
The Missouri Compromise of 1820
Slavery played a crucial role in balancing the western territories. Before the Missouri compromise, there were exactly 11 free and 11 slave states. This compromise was reached that resulted in the admission of Missouri as a slave state, along with Main as a free state. This would leave the balance among the states undisturbed. Another event that resulted from this compromise was the prohibition of slavery involved in the Louisiana Purchase, which is north of the south border of Missouri since Missouri was granted to be a slave state. This lasted for three decades (, n.d.).
The Compromise of 1850
With several disputes over slavery, another compromise was reached in 1850. With this compromise, California was admitted to be a free state while Utah and New Mexico were given a choice to decide through popular sovereignty if slavery will be permitted. Another bill that was passed during this agreement was the abolishment of the slave trade in Washington, DC, and the amendment of the Fugitive Slave Act wherein escaped slaves should be captured and will be denied a jury trial (Drexler, 2019).
The Kansas-Nebraska Act
To organize the territories of Kansas and Nebraska, the land west of Missouri, this act was passed by the US Congress. Popular sovereignty was granted for the people to decide if slavery will be allowed or not in the area. The Missouri Compromise of 1820 that forbid slavery within this area was repealed. With this act, conflict arose between anti- and pro-slavery of North and South that led to an event ...
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