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Documentation and Observation in Early Childhood Education

Coursework Instructions:

Step #1: Read the NAEYC article on “What Does a High Quality Preschool Program Look Like?”
Step #2: Read the narrated PowerPoint presentation titled “PowerPoint Article on What Does a High Quality Preschool Program Look Like NARRATED”
Step #3: Read the NAEYC article titled “Observation: The Key to Understanding Your Child” by Jarrod Green
Step #4: Read the narrated PowerPoint presentation “PowerPoint on Observation Article NARRATED
Step #5: After reading the articles and the PowerPoint Presentations now I want you to answer the following two questions in two separate paragraphs:
Question #1: The first NAEYC article resource discusses what a high quality preschool program looks like. The importance of creating a caring community of learners is discussed. As a teacher in an early childhood classroom, what are some things you would do in your classroom to create a caring community of learners?
Question #2: After reviewing the article Observation: The Key to Understanding Your Child by Jarrod Green, share the role observation will have in behavior management within your classroom?
Step #6: After you answer the two questions above now I want you to come up with two questions of your own about based on the two NAEYC articles you just read. Think about the NAEYC articles and the PowerPoints and come up with two questions for your classmates for the upcoming virtual class discussion we will have. Post your two questions below where you typed your two paragraphs.
Coursework Guidelines:
* Must be at least 275 words
* Must be in Times New Roman Font Size 12
* Must be in APA format
* Must be at least 2 paragraphs with a minimum of 5 sentences per paragraph and make sure your paragraphs are supported using APA formatted citations and references. In this case you can focus one paragraph for each question.
* Must have at least one APA Reference in your response. (In this assignment your APA source can be the NAEYC articles and make sure to cited properly in your paragraphs.
* Must have a reference page.
Notes to the writer:
* I uploaded the two PowerPoint presentations in the order form.
* I posted the website links to the articles in the corresponding steps.
Thank you for your time.

Coursework Sample Content Preview:
Early Childhood Education
Institution Affiliation:
Early Childhood Education
The cornerstone and essence of a wholesome individual begin with an excellent foundation. According to McLaren, Cindy, and Bothma (2015), this foundation entails the integration of dedicated, intentional, and warm teachers who guide the child in learning, as discussed in the article. Moreover, there is an understanding of the importance of creating a caring community of learners. This article seeks to expound on the various activities I would do to ensure a caring community of learners and the role of observation in behavior management.
As a teacher, I would be leading by example on positive reinforcement. Children are the most impressionable during their formative years, as they will do as you do and not as you say. It, therefore, means that if I am kind and caring towards them and others, they will unconsciously follow my example. Another thing I would i...
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