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Children Learning through Play. Education Coursework

Coursework Instructions:

Step #1: View and listen through the PowerPoint presentation called: "ECE 301 Module 4 Play in Early Childhood Narrated.pptx"
Step #2: Answer the following two questions in separate paragraphs.
Question #1: In what ways do children learn through play, across various domains of development?
Question #2: What are a few ways you can advocate or protect a child’s right to play?
Coursework assignment Guidelines:
* Must be Times New Roman Font Size 12 with 1 inch margins all around
* Must be in APA Format
* Must have at least 1 APA reference
* Your total assignment must be at least 275 words.
Notes to the Essay Zoo Writer:
* I uploaded the PowerPoint in the file order form.
* Here's the two textbooks we have been reading in class just in case it helps:
* Bredekamp, Sue., & Copple, Carol. (2010). "Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs Serving Children from Birth through Age 8". ISBN: 978-1928896647
* Morrison, George . (2015). "Early childhood Education Today". ISBN: 9780134520841
Thank you for your time

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

Children Learning Through Play
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Children Learning Through Play
When children decide to engage in play, they are always not thinking of what they will gain from the game. Yet, their play creates excellent learning opportunities across all their developmental domains. By choosing to play, children develop skills and knowledge in different areas of their development, which include; emotional, physical, intellectual, and social skills (Copple & Bredekamp, 2010). Children learn through playing in various ways; for example, they observe other children playing. This allows them to learn the rules of the game, which enables them to fit in the system after some time. Secondly, children learn new social skills through objects and people while playing. They achieve this through the sharing of toys and working together. Moreover, playing builds their cognitive abilities through undertaking some tasks such as figuring out how to make a structure with smaller blocks; this helps to develops their skills and confidence (Morrison, 2015). Furthermore, children play alone and learn how to work independently. This bu...
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