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2 pages/≈550 words
15 Sources
Research Proposal
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Literature Review: Aircraft Design Development

Research Proposal Instructions:

This paper will have to develop a literature review that is related to the annotated bibliography that I provided. The research topic is Aircraft Design Development. 
There are three files updated: 
(1)Annotated bibliography
(2)Research Method Instruction
(3)Literature review Example
PLEASE read the annotated bibliography and use the sources and information provided in the annotated bibliography to develop a problem statement for the literature review. 
THEN, please read the "research method instruction". This paper must included introduction, literature review, research question, theoretical framework, hypotheses, and references.
ATTENTION! Example is included(I strongly recommend the writer to see the example before he starting anything), please read. If having any further questions, please contact me.

Research Proposal Sample Content Preview:

Literature Review: Aircraft Design Development
The airline industry is important to the development of an economy. The development of the aircraft design has evolved a great deal since the discovery of the first airplane. There is increasing number of people who want to use airline daily. The increase in number of people who want to use airline daily comes with the problem of increased luggage to carry and as a result delays in the boardrooms. Besides, no one likes delays and customers must not leave airline travel for other alternatives. Therefore, improved customer experience that will result into a stable economy for the airlines is necessary.
Literature Review
The desire to stabilize the economy of the airlines is dependent on improving the quality of services delivered by the airlines. This entails a design of aircrafts that will have increased efficiency and comfort besides the airline services that will improve customers’ experience through an increased security of personal valuables. Other important factors also include baggage charges, fear of lost luggage and wait time at arrival airport. According to Mital and Subramanian (2008), greatest profits can be obtained when the best quality products are manufactured; this forms the fundamental basis for product design and development.
Several options are being explored to help control the rising demand of the aircrafts. Many aircraft manufactory are now in competition with the Airbus and Boeing by designing the best match aircraft for various uses in the airline industry (New product development by Airbus and Boeing is re-shaping the global jet aircraft, 2014). There are also ideas to come up with aircraft design that will minimize maintenance cost of fleets of aircrafts through the wireless sensor technology (Vujic, 2014).The technology intends to mount the wireless sensor on the aircraft structure to monitor the structural damage of the aircraft. Besides, other factors of design such as tools of design, design of the wings and how the structural members should be put together are issues that the aviation engineering team is focusing on to improve airlines (Azamatov and Byun, 2010). All these efforts focus on solving limits to plane’s carry-on and reducing fear of lost luggage.
Research Question
Does the aircraft design development focus on improved customer experience and economy development?
Theoretical Framework
The developments in the design of aircraft are all aimed at improving the customers’ experience. They include efficiency, reducing delays time in the board room and offering security to personal valuables. All these factors are achieved through specialized designs that have evolved over time. The current technology is being incorporated into the airline services to improve customer communication with the crew and in turn an improvement on efficiency (Oswald, 2004, and Allan and Ian, 2004). For instance, the British Airline crew has adopted the use iPad to enhance how customers communicate with the airline crew (John 2006). The customers can make orders of meals and drinks using the iPad.
The aviation engineering team is also working on ways to improve various struct...
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