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Non-profit Proposal

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Better Life
Student’s Name
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Professor’s Name
Executive Summary
Better Life is a nonprofit organization whose aim is to provide reliable and regular free meals, showers, hygiene products, and first aid for people who may otherwise go without. The organization draws inspiration from various organizations that engage in such activities. As with my home area, California, many homeless people struggle to get their daily bread, and sometimes they go without. It is not a surprise to find out that some go without a meal at all for days, and they do not have access to showers or hygiene products and first aid. We are aiming to improve the lives of these people and ensure vulnerable people do not go hungry.
Since most of them live in public places such as bus stops, railway stations, and highways, we will be distributing ready meals and fruits to these places. To get the ready meals, we will seek to work with local restaurants to supply us with the meals. While our volunteers are serving meals, we also talk with these people about other information that can help them to get life back on track.
The majority of our customers will be the low-income elderly people, people experiencing mental health, and all the homeless, hungry people in California. Unfortunately, we are only facing completion from the “School Meals for All” program in California, so our completion will be limited. However, we expect an average annual growth of 15% over the next five years and would like to expand outside of California within our second year of operation. In addition, our extra effort to talk to the people and give first aid for free will differentiate us from our competitors.
Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Executive Summary PAGEREF _Toc78216284 \h 2Nonprofit Description and Vision PAGEREF _Toc78216285 \h 4Description of Launch Product or Service PAGEREF _Toc78216286 \h 5Definition of Market and/or Community Served PAGEREF _Toc78216287 \h 7Marketing and Sales / Funding opportunities PAGEREF _Toc78216288 \h 9Finances PAGEREF _Toc78216289 \h 11Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc78216290 \h 12References PAGEREF _Toc78216291 \h 14Appendix PAGEREF _Toc78216292 \h 16
Nonprofit Description and Vision
Our nonprofit organization is determined to better the lives of needy people by feeding them, giving them first aid support, and uplifting and motivating them. We also aim to better the lives of elderly people by supporting them in their daily activities. Our services will be offered free of charge because we plan to get our funding from willing people, churches, and state and federal funding. We want all our services to be easily accessible, so we plan to work with community groups to provide the needed services. For example, daily food and fruits distribution will be done to the homeless people in packed portions at the most accessible places in the streets. My research showed that NGOs are made up of registered organizations, groups in the community, and associations who work together to increase the wellbeing of members of a given community (Turner and Hulme, 1997). While our volunteers and staff are giving services such as first aid, we also talk with these needy people abo...
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