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Effects of Long Term Alcohol Use in Women’s Health and Psychology

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Effects of Long Term Alcohol Use in Women’s Health and Psychology
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Research Proposal
Effects of Long Term Alcohol Abuse
Use of alcohol for an extended period poses a lot of negative impact on the users and especially the black and white women when they grow old (Dumbili 2015, p.167). The effects cannot be reversed since they have been severely expressed and manifested in the body.
Firstly, alcohol affects the brain of women who abuse it for an extended period. The brain damage that is caused by alcohol can range from a simple lapse in memory to permanent brain damage which may force the individual to be under the care of a guardian (Ivany, Bullock, Schminkey, Wells, Sharps, & Kools, 2018, p.1710). According to the researches that have been done, the effects cannot be reversed, and it is hard to treat the effects because some of the results have significantly been manifested in the body. Additionally, the long term use of alcohol in women causes liver disease in their later life which mainly affects the organ that is responsible detoxifying alcohol into byproducts that are not harmful in the body and eliminating the products from the body (Wilhoit, Scott, & Simecka, 2017, p.1715). Moreover, liver cirrhosis that is associated with excessive drinking can cause severe brain damage called hepatic encephalopathy, which damages the sleeping patterns, the personality of an individual, and the mood.
Alcohol poses a lot of effects on women, including heart problems, brain damage, and generally poor health. Women are more vulnerable to the effects of alcohol in the later stages of their life than men. For example, women can develop damage to the heart, cardiomyopathy more quickly than men. Steps should be taken to reduce the effects of alcohol on women by developing an initiative that can educate the women on the long term effects of alcohol. Other related risks associated with alcohol consumption in white and black women are sexual harassment and improper behavior of men. These experiences can cause problems for women in dealing with trauma and staying with social expectations. This can influence women’s psychology and behavior in a negative way. Donnelly (2001).
The risk of alcohol drinking in women is the associated culture and medium of interaction for alcohol drinker. Young women may be particularly at risk for the must be on the lookout of risks and monitor their behavior to preempt the associated gendered risk involving consumption of alcohol. The environments that provide services for alcoholic beverages such as bars and nightclubs and other public leisure spaces offer a different vibe that makes the line between fun and harassment very thin.(Darling 1980) These places can be referred as drinking settings that employs or shows a misogynistic-tolerant environment. Many women have reported that men sometimes, engage in sexual behaviors in the bar culture, and regulation of sexual acts must be imposed so that acts that can considered harassment or even assault can be punished. These acts may include inappropriate sexual advances in other social settings (e.g., grabbing a woman's buttocks or pressing up against a woman from...
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