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1 page/≈275 words
1 Source
Social Sciences
Research Paper
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 5.18

The Definition of True Civilization

Research Paper Instructions:

Summary of Ethical Teachings A summary provides some basic guidelines for evaluating ethical action. One or two pages, typed, doublespaced, with MLA style citations, summarizing the ethical outlook, approach, model, paradigm, or style of one primary text selected from course readings. Here the writer does not mention anything about a case that is to be deliberated. This is just the place to listen and learn from the teachings of the text. Grading criteria include at least three direct quotes, properly cited. Instead of a Works Cited page, please add a Works Cited section after your summary. At least 250 words. Course requirements for MLA citations: each direct quote must have a citation, and the citation should include location information where available, such as book number, chapter number, section number. Please do not supply a Works Cited page; just place the work cited at the end of your summary Use This link for the primary source and this source only: http://www(dot)mkgandhi(dot)org/swarajya/coverpage.htm 3 direct quotations and summary of the quotation no opinion should be given.
-Use chapter 13 what is true civilization from the primary source and find 3 direct quotes from
it. Summary only and facts no opinion.

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The Definition of True Civilization
Civilization is the way in which things are carried out in such a way that the best, right and correct things are being considered as opposed to selfish actions. In a true civilization there is a need to observe morality and humanity. There are a number of issues that are considered ethical and this make up a civilized person or an individual.
There is need for satisfaction on the little that we have. "We notice that the mind is a restless bird; the more it gets the more it wants, and still remains unsatisfied." (Gandhi Ch. 13). The writer argues that, the mind is insatiable and the more we give the mind, the more it desires. Therefore, there is a need to practice restrain in everything, that there we should dissuade ourselves from pleasures and luxuries as they donâ...
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