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3 pages/≈825 words
3 Sources
Social Sciences
Research Paper
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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It’s Not Fair: Unfair Treatments in the Society Research

Research Paper Instructions:

Essay #7: It's Not Fair
Lots of movements for social justice begin with people experiencing small moments of personal unfairness and then noticing that they are, in fact, symptoms of a larger social problem.
Write a five-paragraph essay (format, not necessarily the number of paragraphs you will have) in which you present an unfair circumstance in your life and connect it to a larger issue or social problem that you will describe for your reader.
Your paper should be thesis driven, and propose a solution for your social problem.
It should not require research per se'. Light googling should give you two to three news articles, editorials, or op-eds with which to substantiate your description of your social problem and inform possible solutions for this problem. Cite all googling in MLA format including a Works Cited.
And, finally, your essay should include proposed research questions for further study. What else do you need to know about your social problem to make a more informed analysis or produce a better solution? This essay should provide a starting off point for your research project.

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:
Social Justice
Ensuring that there are human rights in a society requires that one should become aware of social justice first. Without social justice there cannot be properly democratic process in any society. The principle of democracy states that everyone in the society has got equal right and freedom to freely express his or her views freely, socialize, and assemble and to vote for any leader of their choice. However, there are instances by which these freedoms are being curtailed by a few leaders with a vested interest. This is because of the rise of social injustices that are taking place in the society. If there is social injustice in the society, the democratic process is broken down. Due to the rise of social injustices in the society, different groups have emerged to fight these social injustices. Social injustices are not only being experienced in governments, but also in different institutions like schools, hospitals, and other social gathering centers. Social injustices come through in different dimensions which include maltreatment of an individual because of his race, language, origin, social class, sex, level of education and even because of religion. Personally, there are instances when I have personally experienced injustice being practiced in one of the institutions in this country.
This essay examines moments that can lead people to form groups that are fighting for enhancement or promotion of social justice in the society as well as promotion of fairness in the society.
Unfair Treatments in the Society
There was this time when I came face to face with injustice in our institution when I was ought rightly told that I could not be served or given the service that I needed from a certain office because of my sexuality. It was this day that I realized that there are some people that have not realized human beings are equal and everyone has a right to choose his or her sexuality. Not everyone in the society can be straight, there are others that were born to be gays, lesbians, trans-gender and bisexual, and each one has a right to be treated with utmost respect that they deserve. I thought it was only me, but I realized that it was the norm in that institution. People of a given race were being treated with a lot of contempt and were discriminated. From this day I made a decision to start fighting for promotion of social justice in that institution. I came up with a movement that was called EQUAL TREATMENT FOR ALL. This movement was formed with a view of pro...
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