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Describing the Geography of California: Social Sciences Research Paper

Research Paper Instructions:

Each student will prepare a 850 word research paper describing the geography of a region. Papers must provide sources (citations) for all facts provided and a bibliography. The bibliography must include a minimum of one peer-reviewed scientific article. Papers must include at least one map that shows as much of the region discussed as possible. The map, any other figures and the bibliography do not count in the 850 words required. The paper should discuss the following topics: What are the spatial limits of the region? What physical characteristics are most important in defining the region? What is the climate of the region? What is the dominant topography? What types of plants and animals are native to the region? How do humans interact with the physical environment of the region? To what extent have humans modified the physical environment? To what extent is the region urbanized? What natural hazards and natural resources are associated with the region? Is the region expected to experience any effects of climate change? A short (250 words) draft of the project, including a partial list of sources, must be presented for feedback by 10/28 [as modified today].

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Describing the Geography of California
The state of California is the third-largest state in the US after Alaska and Texas. The state is dubbed Golden State due to the discovery of gold in the area in 1849 (U.S. Embassy Seoul). Today California has grown to become the state with the highest population in the US and home or Hollywood.
Spatial limits of California
California borders Oregon to the North, Arizona to the east, and the Pacific Ocean to the west (Morgan). Spatial limits measure the boundaries of a region for a proper understanding of the physical and climate features. The land area of California State is 155,973 sq. m and the largest cities are Los Angeles, San Diego, San Jose, and San Francisco (U.S. Embassy Seoul). The large land size of California helps in the performing of different industrial and commercial activities in the region.
California State Map. Source: (Morgan)
Physical characteristics defining the region
California has stunning physical features that make the region appear unique in the US. The physical characteristics of California provide a clear understanding of the residents and visitors. According to Morgan, the highest and the lowest parts in the US are in California with the highest point being Mount Whitney and the lowest point being Death Valley. The most evident physical feature in California is the Central Valley that runs 750 km through the state. The other notable physical characteristics are the Tehachapi Mountains, Trans-Sierra desert, Colorado River, Salton Sea, and Sierra Nevada Mountain (Morgan).  
California climate
California has diverse climates that are not evident in other states. Kauffmann states that major climates in the area are desert, Cool Interior, Highland, Steppe climates, and Mediterranean climate (p.12). Mediterranean climate is rare with three variations cool summer, coast, and interior valley version. The mild temperatures and winter rain of the Mediterranean climate increase the growth of plants and animals in California State (Kauffmann p. 12). The Cool Interior Climate is evident in the slopes of Mountain ranges in California. Steppe climate is hot like a desert common in the San Joaquin Valley area. The Steppe climate is hot but has moisture that supports the growth of grass and vegetation.  
Dominant topography
Topography considers the natural and artificial features of a region. California has a distribution of natural and artificial features that are easily visible in the area. The topography of an area influences the climates in the region. California has several climate types showing the availability of different physical features. The dominant physical features in California State are sweeping valleys, mountain, and desert (Kauffmann p. 12). The higher areas of California catch more rain compared to the rugged valley below.
The topography of California. Source: (Kauffmann p.13)
Native plants and animals to the region
The agricultural system in California improves due to the composition of plants and animals. Long-term sustainability in a region is possible by identifying the native plants. California has functional biodiversity with ...
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