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2 pages/≈550 words
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Research Paper
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Research Paper Instructions:
The assignment that I need to be in this form 5 paragraphs 1st paragraph / introduction 2nd paragraph / write about 3 geological things and talk about them like volcano, tornado and earthquake 3rd paragraph / write about 2 weather things and talk about them like storm and rain 4th paragraph / talk about the environment 5th paragraph conclusion i'm gonna upload file please could you read the instruction clear
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20 February, 2011
Geography is divided into two groups, i.e. physical geography and human geography. "The study of actual patterns and procedures (global warming, deforestation, water resources etc) at the earth surface and the connection between people and their environment is known as Physical geography". Whereas human geography deals with the social and cultural patterns (urbanization, socio-economic conditions, etc). A variety of tools like geographic information systems (GIS), maps, remote sensing, spatial statistics, global positioning systems (GPS), and mathematical modeling are used by geographers to study the information they get (Christine E. McMichael, 2010).
On 18 February 2011, in Alabama (United States) an earthquake took place with the magnitude of damaged was reported due to that earthquake. The US geological survey professional reported that in North America east has Rocky Mountains and the earthquake were very uncommon there (Press Register). On 9th February news on the volcanic eruption was published in Business Insider. According to that news Icelandic volcanogist said that country`s largest volcano was showing signs of unusual activities and there were signs of its eruption because lava in it was slowly increasing (Business Insider). On 4th feurary, 2011, in Kyushu (Japan) a volcano, Shinmoedake, exploded again. The height of the volcano was 421-meter (4,660 feet).The cloud of smoke was noted 3000 meters high. The metrological department of Japan warned nearby residents (Bloom Berg). On 7 February, 2011 a volcano in Russia had stated erupting and the ashes from it emitted at the height of four kilometers. In news of 9 feburary, 2011, moderate earthquake was observed at Copiapo, Atacama, Chile with intermediate depth.According to news published in The Nation, February 03, 2011, a massive snow and freezing rainstorm knocked US. According to the report, nearly 100 million were affected from southern Plains due to this massive storm. According to the report two deaths were noticed due to storm, one in Oklahoma and the other in Michigan. Quetta (Pakistan) was also under the grip of sewer cold. In swat and many area of Baluchistan were in the grip of transitional rain. Also snowfall in Hunza caused more coldness in that region (12 February, 2011, Pakisatan News).
Every year on 2 February World Wetlands Day (WWD) is celebrated worldwide. Also 2011 is the 40th anniversary of Ramsar Convention. The theme for this year WWD was forests and wetlands. As the forests play a very crucial role in hydrological cycles (The Times of India). The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) at their annual meeting on 19 feburary, 2011 revealed their new research. The research was based on climate change and its effects on human health (Science Daily).The quantity of dust level had increased worldwid...
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