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3 pages/≈825 words
4 Sources
Literature & Language
Research Paper
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Technology Government Social Media

Research Paper Instructions:

Write four paragraphs in category 2 and 3. Use easy vocabulary. DO NOT USE TABOO WORDS like "am, is, are, be, being, been, was, were". Each paragraph should be half to 3/4 page. First paragraph in each category needs to provide examples of the tech use and the beneficial results of the tech use(specific the tech name). Second paragraph in each category needs to provide examples of the tech use and the ethic or moral results of the tech use. Use the resources from my own outline and abstract please!!!

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:
In the world today every citizen is a consumer and as a consumer, they have in an increasing rate become responsive for high standards especially in the commercial interactions. It is not a surprise that their commercial experiences portrayed by the citizens have raised high expectations when it comes to dealing with organizations, business, and government agencies. As a result, the business community and the government have incorporated the available technology to better their services. Not only have they utilized the most sophisticated technology but they have also invested heavily in the future expected technology seemly because the future lies in advanced technology. Most governments have incorporated enabling technology to aid them in improving their services regarding how they serve their biggest consumers that is the citizens. The government observed the internet and the telegram as one of the main advances that have kept it in the trend with the technology craze. Although the future is always uncertain with technology, it is evident that most governments do not shy away from any useful new technology, for example, the AI (Kaukab). According to Ressler (2016 par 2), the local government which interacts most with the consumers have incorporated technology to better the services they provide. As consumers are no longer patient and need their services fast but efficient, the local government takes the initiative to use technology and offer the same experience as portrayed by the citizens. For example, most services one does not need to visit the government offices as one can get the service at a click of a button in the comfort of their homes.
The utilization of websites and social applications to offer or renew licenses has been a major milestone. Both the citizens and the government benefit regarding cost savings as the government does not need to the employee workforce or incur an extra cost of office spaces. The citizens are saved off time and cost of physically going to the offices. However, this milestone does not continue without its cons. Critics observe that technology such as the government websites comes with dangers of privacy issues, as one has to give all the personal information while creating an account. This creates the risk of impersonification if they can impersonate an individual the same government can use this information to create ghost voters and hence win back elections or have them go to their directions. The threat of job security as many individuals are denied jobs with the incorporation of technology, for example, the website can manage citizen nationwide as compared to physical offices that would employ thousands of workers.
Social Media
Technology has developed a global village by converting the world into one through the internet. One can easily learn the cultures or get updated news in all areas from any region of t...
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