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Planning a Career Project: Who is an Interior Decorator?

Research Paper Instructions:

Number of sources (what does that mean im not sure) For your second and final writing assignment in this course, you’re being asked to construct a variation of a personal essay, which can also be referred to as a research project. The essay that you produce must be based on a combination of personal experience(s) and research, it must be told primarily from the first-person point of view, and it must meet the given length requirement of 500 to 1,500 words. The essay that you write should be a direct response to one of the two prompts offered. It should offer your ideas and opinions and use research as support. This essay, much like the personal narrative, will be directed toward a general and unfamiliar audience—people who don’t know you personally. Your finished product should be completely original and contain research only as support for your established ideas. You should not rely on the results of your research to create your essay, but to support ideas of your own. This will help to ensure that your finished project is unique, credible, and ethical. YOUR OPTIONS There are two distinct topic options for this particular assignment. While each of these options has specific requirements and expectations, there is also a great deal of freedom included with each. Because your essay is being created based on your opinions/ideas and research, no two completed essays will be exactly alike. Option 1: Personal Take on Current Issues Choose a current issue in local, national, or international news. Write an editorial piece explaining the issue and offering your opinions and any solutions you can think of that may apply. You’ll need to thoroughly research the issue at hand in order to provide a solid explanation of the issue, as well as informed opinions and solutions. You must be sure to provide an appropriate context for the issue you choose; the audience needs to understand why this is a problem that deserves consideration and why you feel your solutions can affect it. Part of your purpose is to convince your audience that your solutions are viable. Option 2: Planning a Career Choose a career that you would like to pursue. You’ll need to thoroughly research your career choice. You should explain the career to your audience. Although an explanation of the career is certainly necessary, you must be sure to keep the focus of the essay on yourself and why you want to enter this particular career field; the focus shouldn’t be solely on the career field itself. Be sure to provide as much detail as possible about your career choice, including what type of education, training, or certification is required; what a typical day or week would be like; what kind of salary you can expect; what the future looks like for employees in this field; and whether or not geography will affect job opportunities. Part of your purpose is to convince your audience that you’re making an informed choice, allowing you a chance at success in the job market. ESSENTIALS: FORMATTING YOUR ESSAY ■ Please be sure to include a header at the top of each page that includes your last name and a page number at the right margin. ■ The very first page of your essay shouldn’t contain a header, but it should include your name, your student ID number, and the exam number. ■ Your paper should be typed and double-spaced using Microsoft Word or another word processing program such as WordPad, X Word, AbiWord, and so on. It must be submitted in .doc, .docx, or .rtf format for grading purposes. ■ Use double-spacing, standard one-inch margins, and a font no larger than the equivalent of Times New Roman 12. ■ Your final draft should contain between 500 and 1,500 words. GRADING RUBRIC: EXAM 007130 Exemplary Proficient Fair Poor Not Shown Grammar and Mechanics (45 points) Introduction (5 points): The essay establishes a specific topic and approach and sets an appropriate tone/mood for the rest of the essay. It engages the reader and creates interest. 5 4 3–2 1 0 Coherence and Unity (10 points): Ideas flow clearly and logically as the essay is developed. Each paragraph contains one main idea (with enough detail to develop that idea clearly and logically) and a connection to the ideas that precede and follow it. Clear transitions are present between sentences as well as between paragraphs. The author remains focused on the topic. 10–9 8–7 6–5 4–1 0 Sentence Structure (10 points): Sentences are varied in both structure and length. Sentences are complete, expressive, clear, and to the point. The essay includes no run-on sentences or fragments. 10–9 8–7 6–5 4–1 0 Spelling, Word Choice, Grammar and Punctuation (15 points): Essay is free of spelling errors. Appropriate language is chosen for each situation, fitting the mood/tone set in the introduction. Word choice complements, does not inhibit, clarity. Essay utilizes correct and consistent verb tenses, subject-verb agreement, clear pronoun-antecedent agreement, and so on. Grammar errors do not interfere with comprehension. Essay is free of errors such as comma splices, misplaced commas, and inappropriate end punctuation. All punctuation is used correctly so as not to inhibit clarity. Errors should not interrupt or distract the reader. 15–14 13–11 10–7 6–1 0 Conclusion (5 points): The conclusion provides adequate closure, reinforces the meaning/significance established in the introduction, and effectively wraps up the essay. 5 4 3–2 1 0 Research and Citations (40 points) Support for Ideas (15 points): Adequate detail and accurate support are provided for each idea introduced. Specific, accurate, and relevant examples are used to show meaning. The essay does not simply make blanket claims without support. Quality sources (credible, accurate, reasonable, supported) are used effectively to enhance the author’s ideas. 15–14 13–11 10–7 6–1 0 In-text Citations (10 points): Included for all borrowed material and properly formatted. Each one has a corresponding Works Cited entry. Web addresses and/or links are not acceptable. 10–9 8–7 6–5 4–1 0 Works Cited (15 points): Page is included at end of document. Entries are alphabetized, and each entry has at least one corresponding in-text citation. All entries are correctly formatted according to MLA guidelines.

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:
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Planning a Career
I have always found beauty in arrangement and order as young as I can remember. I would always come up with alternatives on how things were to be arranged, be it in the kitchen, dining room, and even the rest room back at home or anywhere I visited, as a way of making the space available more appealing to the eye. I have personally had my walls repainted over ten times in a period of fewer than three years for one reason or the other. One day as I was going through some article on the internet I came across "Interior decorator" and upon doing further research on it, I knew that was what I wanted to become in life. To me, that is the most fulfilling career I could ever pursue as it allows me to showcase my creativity in transforming a mere space into a small "heaven" with regard to clients preferences.
Who is an Interior Decorator?
Unlike Interior designers, interior decorators are not involved in the layout of the interior space nor the design of the building (Wang, 2011). They are mainly focused on textile, texture, colour, and furniture of a room. Through his professionalism, they can capture the style and personality of the residents and express it via their space. It is normally said that they rarely need any training to adopt the title.
Interior decorators work closely with their clients to ensure that their vision for a home or room space is not only conceived but executed. They often travel to homes of their clients and must have adaptable schedules for them to meet their client’s needs. Their hours should be flexible and full-time work is available. This, coupled with vast knowledge, experience, and skills makes them viable in the unstable market. Interior decoration is a marvellous journey of a lifelong pursuit and need of knowledge.
Education requirements of an Interior Decorator
As much as a degree is not needed having knowledge in this goes a long way plus firms and clients are mostly receptive to hiring someone who has taken a great deal of his time to secure a degree from a recognized higher institution of learning that has been accredited by the Certified Interior Decorator (CID) body. Fortunately, some of these institutions allow the students to study entirely online. This program includes the use of the CID study guide and membership exam. Alternatively, one can complete the CID-approved course then separately apply for the exam. If one chooses to complete an (Interior Decorating) ID program that has not been approved or accredited by the CID, they can go ahead to submit the curriculum of that program to the Certified Interior Decorators International for close review.
Typical Day of an Interior Decorator
Upon arriving in their offices, most interior decorators take some few minutes to respond to their emails and voicemails. This is then followed by...
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