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Why International Marriage Attracted Much Attention?

Research Paper Instructions:

International marriage 
Intro (approx. 2 paragraphs/ 1- 1.5 pages) 
Question about international marriage 
Benefits of international marriage 
Challenges, problems, issues 
Background info 
Why international marriage 
How many people 
Difficulties they will face 
Thesis (3 sentence max) 
International marriage will benefit people 
The children of international marriage will be smarter 
International marriage will let people know more than each other 
Body Paragraphs 
Transition word/ sentence 
People from different culture may benefit each other 
Topic Sentence 
International marriage will benefit people 
Evidence- intro your POV, source 
Induction- specific to general 
From one specific case to a huge amount people who willing to marry with foreign people 
Wrap up- connection to thesis 
Rebuttal Paragraphs 
Transition/ sentence 
Although the marriage seems so charming, there are still a lot of problems 
Topic Sentence 
Challenges will be faced in the international marriage. 
Opponents argument 
Problems, challenges, 
Culture differences, or may be just want a nationality 
Your position 
Benefit people 
Advantages more than disadvantages 
Restate topic 
International marriage 
International marriage will benefit people, will let people know each other much better. 
International marriage will benefit people 
Opposite view point 
Challenges, problems 
Call for action 
Will you guy consider about marry with foreign prople? 

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:
Course Title:
International Marriage
Over the last couple of years, international marriage has attracted much attention both in relation to practical concerns and from a theoretical viewpoint. Central to the debate of international marriage is the question about its benefits and challenges at the micro (individual), cultural (meso) and macro (state policies) levels (Chakrabarti, Gupta-Mukherjee & Jayaraman 216). Despite the fact that economic and political elements of immigrant integration have been deeply examined, there is little information the social interactions between natives and immigrants. International marriages can be exciting despite the issues involved. On the other hand, the refreshing traits of demanding relationships can become a basis of conflict, frustration, misunderstanding and pain. There are various benefits of an international marriage and so are the challenges. For example, cross-cultural patterns may have a positive impact on the children in that it may broaden their minds. Raising the children as bilinguals in this case helps in making them to respect other cultures and people. In addition, the couples get a chance to learn a second language and experience different cultures. This helps in broadening their understanding of other cultures besides providing them with an opportunity to choose between living in two countries. The minds of the couple are continually opened in terms of learning a new culture, and this helps them to stop viewing their own culture as superior. A couple’s family and friends are also introduced to new cultures which help in breaking existing stereotypes.
Despite the above benefits, there are also some challenges that people face when they get into international marriages. The most common of these is state integration policies. In a move to protect the interests of their people, most governments have strict immigration policies which may hinder couples in international marriages from migrating or acquiring citizenship. In addition to this and despite the fact that couples eventually learn the culture and the language of their spouse, this may take a relatively long time. This in turn inhibits communication in the short run, which strain relationships and may often lead to a divorce (Osland & Bird 67). Further, couples in an international marriage are more vulnerable to prejudice as compared to couples who hail from the same country or culture. Nevertheless, the benefits of international marriages outweigh the challenges or disadvantages of such marriages and this has led to increased cases of international marriages.
Cultural Benefits
People from different cultures may benefit each other. In line with this, international marriages help to eliminate the problem of ethnocentrism. The concept of ethnocentrism is understood as judging other cultures on the basis of the beliefs, values and standards of one’s culture. Through international marriages, people learn and adapt other values of other cultures (Chakrabarti, Gupta-Mukherjee & Jayaraman 217). For example, an American woman married to Indian men will have to learn the Indian culture. In this case, gender roles differ between the two co...
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