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An American Legal History Law Research Paper Essay

Research Paper Instructions:

American Legal history Reserach papers need to use the textbooks are listed on the syllabus.
It requires a single space that is instructed in the syllabus.


HIST 2382 Midterm Exam                       Name:


  1. Short Answer

Give your best answer to the following questions in the space between each question.  Please use legible English and complete sentences.  10 points each.


  1. What was the ACLU’s plan for the Scopes Monkey Trial and how well did they carry it out over the course of the proceedings?



  1. On what specific issues and the respective cases in which those issues arose did the U.S. Supreme Court differ with Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s administration’s policies?



  1. Does the Supreme Court’s jurisprudence after 1937 in “economic” matters represent a larger shift in the zeitgeist – the spirit of the times – or something else?



  1. What difficulties did the U.S. Supreme Court encounter in the overthrow of Jim Crow and how did it resolve those difficulties if at all?





  1. Long Essay

Pick one of the following and, in the space following the questions, write your answer in legible English and complete sentences.  Use all the relevant information you can from class and the readings.  Do not neglect to organize your answer. Indicate which question you chose.  60 points.


  1. What word or words best describe American legal history up to this point in the course?


  1. Does the law shape or reflect American history? Do not neglect any era.
Research Paper Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
American Legal History
The United States legal system was adopted from the English common law into the federal and state level of governance after the Revolutionary War. Although the U.S legal system is a derivative of British law, it has a high divergence that is noticeable in its procedures and substances, and this is mostly related to civil law. The history of the legal system began with the pioneer 13 colonies that were under the settlers, but with time, certain practices were eliminated and replaced with those that fit the citizenry (Feinman 20). Moreover, some of the English laws that were eliminated from the U.S legal system include search warrants, and this was in accordance with the passage of the American Constitution. On the other hand, one of the laws that were inherited from the English legal system was the principle of stare decisis, a part of the common law. In this case, the common law courts can make decisions based on the precedent that was set, and they can also make laws that affect future cases. The critical analysis of American legal history will assist in understanding the origin of the legal system, reforms that have occurred over the years, and ways they affect the future judicial process.
ACLU’S Plan for Scopes Monkey Trial
In early 1920s, the legislature of the state of Tennessee made passed controversial legislation that prohibited all educational institutions in Tennessee State from teaching evolution. The passage of the Butler Act was an awakening moment in the country and marked a significant turning point in the constitutional development in America. In response to the enactment of the Butler Act, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) revealed that it would come to the defense of any educator prosecuted under the legislation. In due course, a high school teacher called John Scopes sought to challenge the constitutionality of the legislation by standing in a test case as a defendant in the case. In March 1925, Scopes was arrested and eventually arraigned in court for allegedly teaching evolution.
Scopes was represented in court by Arthur Garfield, who was the ACLU General Counsel alongside a famous criminal defense attorney known as Clarence Darrow. Darrow was a renowned, experienced, and competent criminal defense attorney in the country. In this case, the defense attorney collaborated to demonstrate the unconstitutionality of the Tennessee law because it was largely based on Biblical teachings. Ideally, the defense team argued that using the Bible as the standard of accuracy, validity, and veracity in public institutions is unconstitutional because it is a religious document (Leuchtenburg 134). However, not all people in the country subscribe to the same religious teachings. During the case, Bryan Jennings was the leader of the prosecution and he had a reputation for being the most popular Christian fundamentalist representative and defender in the country. Therefore, Bryan sought to prove that Scope had violated Tennessee laws and, hence guilty for teaching evolution.
The Scopes trial was a monumental landmark case, both due to its significance in the constitutional development of America and for being sensational. Most import...
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