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Steam Engine. History Research Paper Assignment.

Research Paper Instructions:

Use at least four sources that you will be using in your paper. Correct MLA format.
At least one source cited per paragraph. All sources in works cited used.
Your thesis is your argument, and the outline is the way you will develop and prove your argument.
I need 4 sources

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:
The steam engine was a machine that was used in the 18th century during the British Industrial Revolution. A steam engine is a heat engine that does mechanical tasks using steam as its working fluid. This engine utilizes the force that is produced by the steam pressure to push the piston inside the cylinder. The invention of the steam engine changed the world a lot. With time, the engine became smaller and more effective. Large steam engines were used in factories to power other machines. Smaller engines were used to transport goods from one place to another. During this era, the steam engine assisted in maximizing production, minimizing time and cost, and labour. This was the most important machine in the industrial revolution. The steam engine brought a lot of changes in European society. The steam engine was used in the transportation of goods and service, generation of electricity, heating, and travelling. The invention of the steam engine revolutionized society by enabling jobs to be done faster and more efficient.
The steam engine was used by the Cornish miners to remove water from the mineshafts. The steam engine was an engine that was used by people with different careers. During the industrial revolution, the steam engine was not only used in mining but it was also used in pumping water from the deep mines. The engine was mainly used in industries and factories. One of the main challenges the Cornish miners experienced was flooding in the mines. Sometimes the miners were forced to close down the mines until the water was pumped from the mining shafts (Nakamaki, Koichiro, Izumi Mitsui & Takeuchi 10). The steam engine had the capability of raising water from the bottommost parts of the deep mines. This prevented the closure of the miners because minerals were very important in the development of the economy. The steam engine was developed by the Cornish mining industry. Consequently, since coal could not be found in Cornwall, it would be transported from Newcastle and Wales. The transportation of coal from these places was very expensive so the steam engine was needed by the Cornish miners because it used less coal. These engineers invented the steam engine which was able to withstand high steam pressures. Not only did the steam engine prevent the closure of the mines it also provided faster techniques of mining compared to the traditional methods.
The steam engine was used in the textile industry. There were a lot of problems that the merchants experienced in the textile industry. The textile industries were traditional and they used water as the main source of power. For example, the domestic system was not convenient for traders. They also used animals for transport but they were expensive to take care of because they needed care and food. The textile industry was the main source of income in Europe so engineers were supposed to come up with a machine that could improve productivity and minimize costs. The industry experienced a lot of difficulties in maintaining the schedules for completing jobs. Additionally, workers could sell some products and keep the profit for themselves. After the industrial revolution, the demand for clothes increased and the merchan...
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