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Business & Marketing
Research Paper
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The Marketing of IPod Color

Research Paper Instructions:

• The Ipod color. What segmentation base/s does the company use to segment its market? And what is the targeting strategy that the company uses to target its market? Analyze advertising campaigns, distribution and marketing. Justify your answer. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Your work will be assessed on the following criteria: • Integration of information and structure, quality and depth of discussion, creativity and overall coherence of the work submitted. • A front page (Name, ID#, Course Name, Assignment#, Date). • Style used is to be font size 12, Times New Roman. Within the case analysis a page must be included which states clearly that this is totally your own work and must be signed. • Paragraph spacing: 1.5 • References must be mentioned properly

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:
An iPod refers to Apple’s portable multipurpose digital gadget popularly known as a music player. Lately it has integrated other functions like a camera enabling it to carry a wide variety of functions. The device entered the global market in the year 2001 and has sold millions of gadgets since its inception It is one of the most successful electronics in the Apple’s directory with regard to its popularity and unit sales worldwide. In the view of this, we have to concentrate on the strengths of the iPod that has made it sell like hot over years since its first market entry (Levy 1). We will narrow on the iPod color as one of items of interest in our discussion. In addition, we will consider Apple Inc targeting and segmentation strategies that have given the electronics giant an edge over its peers.
IPod marketing
Apple marketing is guided by wide market and consumer research. This has helped the techno-savvy giant employ very workable plans and hence retains an upward trend in sales of its few products. Apple uses multiple segmentation method which includes psychographic, demographic and geographical segmentation in marketing iPods. We can say that apples approach is a multi - variable approach. This has enabled the company realize high annual turnovers, making it the leading electronics company in the United States by volume of sales. We will discuss each of the market segmentation criteria. We need to emphasize on the impact of the iPods’ range of colors in enhancing the marketability of the iPod.
IPod Color marketing and the success story
The inception of the iPod in 2001 transformed how people listened to the music. Initially iPod came in only one color; White. This did not go well with the customers and there were complains that urged the Apple to give its consumers a black option. Apple never knew how to go about and it took more than three years before they agreed to introduce black iPods. The new color was received warmly by the consumers and it was a major stepping stone in marketing Apple Inc products. By then customers had a choice of either a white of black iPod.
Later on the company diversified its brand and presented the consumers with a spectrum of colors to choose. Nowadays, iPods come with a variety of cool unbeatable colors on its Aluminium strapped body. The colors range from light blue, pink, purple among others making it captivating, irresistible and attractive. However, black color remains one of the most preferred in Apple products (Levi, 2).
Owing to the superior design features, apple had sold more than 42 million iPods by the fourth year of its launch. The sales were recorded despite high retail price of between100 and 600 dollars. The market share increased to 75 percent after iPod sales. The consumers in the US mobile market described it as polished digital gem and a must have (Boone and Kurtz 84, Levi 65).
During Apples’ special event organized by Apple in 2007, one of the key updates that touched the hearts of the customers was the color variety. Apart from color and design, there are several other factors that have pushed the sales of the iPod beyond the limits. These include brand loyalty, ...
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