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9 pages/β‰ˆ2475 words
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Business & Marketing
Research Paper
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How Has Social Media Changed Marketing Strategies We Use?

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This paper seeks to address the changes that social media has brought to the conventional marketing strategies, especially with the availability of the internet on a large scale worldwide.
* Companies have recognized the need for social media as a marketing strategy, to be competitive in the market.
* The use of the online marketing is what has taken center-stage in reaching out to target markets.
* Most of the marketing plans have an internet marketing solution as a consideration.
* Social media has enabled companies to save on their financial resource
* Most companies spend less or nothing at all when reaching out to their customers via social media.
* Internet use is cheaper compared to other media of transmission for example radio and television.
* There is a great deal of convenience for the company can address its customers directly once there is feedback from the customer regarding their needs and wants.
* Social media has enabled proper market segmentation, Targeting and positioning of the company offering to the market.
* The company can allocate resources accurately
* Social media marketing is not a form of mass marketing rather it is target marketing
* Through customer feedback, the company can understand the kind of product offering it can get the target market by positioning well.
* There is an expanded market share because of a wider coverage.
* Through the creation of virtual communities, the company can reach out to many customers
* Many people have an access to social media, which makes it a viable marketing tool.
* Conclusion
* Social media is the way to go into marketing.
* It should be included in the marketing plans of the company
* Social media is an enhanced form of word of mouth advertising
How Has Social Media Changed Marketing Strategies That We Use?
There has been a great transformation in the marketing arena since the late 1990s with the advent of the introduction of the internet. Initially, the internet was just considered a social tool for communication between people, across the globe. The definition of social media is a group of applications that are internet-based that could relate technologically upon the foundations of web 2.0 (Moretti 250). It was the existing link between the interested parties by then. Interestingly, the last ten years have seen the transformation of the internet from just connecting people, into connecting businesses and products with people and vice versa (Cowden 8). This paper therefore seeks to outline the changes that social media has brought to the marketing strategies. It is in relation to the evolving nature of marketing since the beginning of the last century. In the contemporary marketing arena, companies have recognized the need to entrench internet marketing into their marketing plans. There has been a great deal of investment into this platform, as a marketing tool (Moretti & Tuan 250). Most companies admit to have saved a great deal of money and energy expended when reaching out to target customer. This notwithstanding, created a lot of excitement in the clientele since they had more variety to choose from and also had a...
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