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Biological & Biomedical Sciences
Research Paper
English (U.S.)
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Negative effects on the lungs associated with e-cigarettes (vaping).

Research Paper Instructions:

This is literature based research proposal it is all theoretical
The format must follow the following format
Materials and methods
Proposed research (clearly indicating how the procedures and materials answer your question)
Results (theoretical)
Please use the articles that will be attached. If you need to find more that's ok but please add them into the references. The subject for the research paper is about the effects of e-cigarretes.

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:
Course title:
The Negative Effects on the Lungs Associated with E-Cigarettes
Smoking of electronic cigarettes has become a trendy behavior mostly among the youth and increasingly popular among older generations too. There is the common perception of sophistication when one substitutes the regular smoke to Vaping. Moreover, it is believed that it reduces the dangerous effects of smoking to the respiratory system while still giving the user the much desired high and intoxication. E-cigarettes may be used to smoke tobacco or cannabis and they are growing to become a much loved substitute to smoking. An electronic cigarette can be described as an electronic, battery operated device that is used to provide a sensation similar to smoking tobacco or non-nicotine product without the smoke. It converts the substance from solution form into vapor that the user inhales; popularly referred to as vaping.
In the US markets, e-cigarettes were introduced in 2007 and have gained very much popularity with most of the users being adolescents and youth. Apart from tobacco and cannabis other drug substances such as TNT are commonly abused using vaporizers or electric machines. The results of a study done to identify the use if e-cigarettes showed that, male persons accounted for more than 70% of the total population of users. Many government and non-governmental agencies alike have been working hard to analyze the rising trend and find out the implication to health and the society at large. Research and findings have been made on the rising issue with many conclusions being that e-cigarettes are becoming menacingly harmful to the users are mostly the young generation. This research paper is aimed at performing an in-depth analysis of the negative effects of e-cigarettes and vaping to the respiratory system in particular the lungs.
Materials and Methods
For this research, I will be using secondary method of data collection. My data sources will be the results of data collected in various health and research centers aimed at finding out the health impacts of vaping.
First in an experiment conducted by Sara, Justin et al., they used flavored E-cigarette solutions with different variations of flavor and manufactures and a cell culture of the primary pulmonary artery smooth muscle cell were collected from 6 fetuses (125 days of gestation), 4 adult ewes and 2 days old lambs. In addition, they used lactate dehydrogenase assay from Biovision California to find out how much of it would cause cell death. Airways and vessels were isolated from pregnant ewes and newborns delivered through C-section. After the study the study the animals were euthanized using pentobarbital (100mg/kg). The pulmonary and bronchial ring tissues were exposed catalytic adjustments of pressure, Krebs Solution and passed through baths to enhance their response to experiment agents. They were later exposed to solutions of the flavored e-cigarette ingredients with their weights measured before and after the experiment. The variables were continuously analyzed using Tukey’s post hoc analysis and appropriate ANOVA OR Student’s t-test. Average results of each cellular experiment from the 2-3 wells on each plate were consider...
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