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6 pages/≈1650 words
6 Sources
Biological & Biomedical Sciences
Research Paper
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Evolution Patterns Of Butterfly's Wing: Genes

Research Paper Instructions:

The paper mainly focuses on the evolution of butterfly as animals itself and the changes of patterns of butterfly's wings. The paper should include evolution studies, such as the changes in genes overtimes. Also, the paper should address the details of patterns of butterflies wings and the certain functions of specific patterns.
Each submission of your paper must include:
an introductory paragraph summarizing the research and your art/design piece
a clear thesis statement summarizing the research you are exploring
provide general scientific background required to understand the project;
describe and explain the scientific information, ideas, and concepts that were incorporated into the project, using citations to indicate which sources provided particular content;
in text citations referencing each of the sources in your works cited
a description of what medium or media you plan to use to create your work
a discussion of your motivation for choosing this field of research for your creative piece
a discussion of how your art/design piece relates to the concepts you are exploring in your research
an explanation of how the work will incorporate the scientific content of your research
discuss how particular creative methods were used to incorporate the information/ideas/concepts into the work; and
identify the intended audience for the work and explain the impact that the work is designed to have on that audience.
a revised initial source list including seven (7) sources in the form of an Annotated Bibliography that provides for each source not only a complete citation but also a short paragraph summarizing what information/ideas/ concepts this source contributed to your project (this bibliography does not count towards the page limit)

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date Evolution Patterns of Butterfly Wing Biology as a whole is part and parcel of the natural world which firmly obeys the laws of physics and chemistry. There is much more that goes beyond the world of science. Charles Darwin is among one of the renowned scientists whose work has been highly appreciated in the field of biology. Darwin came up with two significant discoveries in evolution, common descent, and natural selection. He made it clear that common descent with diversification was the inevitable consequence of the processes of natural selection. According to Darwin's 1859 arguments on how the process of evolution works still involves the hereditary information passed on from parent to offspring though sometimes there can be a change and this is what is now referred as a mutation. That now brings forth variation. This information provides us with the basis that will profoundly help in studying the evolution of butterfly as a living organism and the changes of patterns of its wings. After researching on the biology of butterfly and more so on its ecology I got to find out how the life of a butterfly begins. It starts with an egg, and the egg size also varies according to shapes and size of different species. These eggs can be tiny, in most cases less than 1.5 mm along their its dimension. What one should understand is that no matter the differences in colors, shapes, and sizes there is one key similarity which is their structures. A more hard shell is located on the outer surface where it is with withheld, it is highly resembles a chicken’s egg in the form of a miniature, while an embryo is surrounded by highly a fluid that is much considered as being nutritious CITATION Pau91 \l 1033 (Brakefield). After being completely formed, it finally comes out of the shell. Immediately after the caterpillar emerges, it immediately starts using its jaws so as it can be capable to be able to feed on plant matter. Caterpillars mostly come in various many sizes, shapes, and forms. That makes them vulnerable in their appearance and behavior. Such things maximize their survival chances. In most cases, the young chrysalis is very soft, but in after some time, the skin gradually starts to harden. One of the typical behavior of a chrysalis is that it is well camouflaged to avoid being spotted by predators and thus survive better. After few days or a number of weeks, its cells begin to rearrange themselves, and now the caterpillar becomes fully developed into a butterfly, having its newly-formed wings which are crushed tightly and within the casing of the chrysalis. Such a butterfly is now considered being an adult. It then takes almost an hour for it to expand its wings and also become strong enough to be fully capable of flying. Having workable wings now, the adult butterfly flies in search of something to feed itself, after having achieved all that the butterfly finds a mate for purposes of reproduction to begin the cycle all over again. Focusing more on a butterfly's wings I had to learn about what modeling butterfly wing eyespot patterns entail. These eyespots, to begin with, are concentric motifs which consist of contrasting colors on a butterfly wings. They have an intra- and inter-specifi...
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