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Visual & Performing Arts
Research Paper
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Snowpiercer: A Classist Look at the Social Burden of Genders

Research Paper Instructions:

The film selected is Snowpiercer. One of the theories need to use is Representational analysis (social class).
Add pictures to the paper.

Final Project: Students will be required to write a 5-6 research paper and create a 10-15 minute presentation based on the same material. This culmination assignment will ask you to research and analyze an artwork, or small group of artworks (film, television show, play, videogame, music, drawing, painting, photograph, sculpture, or installation), from a multi-perspectival approach, utilizing at least FOUR of the following theories: ● Formalism ● Rhetoric ● Semiotics ● Ideology ● Psychology ● Postmodern ● Representational analysis (*CHOOSE ONE: gender, sexuality, race, social class, etc.) ● Feminism ● The Gaze ● Queer theory ● Globalism ● Postcolonial Theory PAPER DIRECTIONS ● SELECT your artwork. You CANNOT choose any artwork you have previously analyzed in other assignments (artifact presentation and essays), nor any artwork analyzed in class. Your choice is subject to approval, but otherwise unlimited in scope. ● CHOOSE the four theoretical approaches that best fit an analysis of your artwork. ● RESEARCH your chosen artwork. You are required to use FOUR sources, two of which must be PRINT (book or eBook). Other sources can be in the form of online, peer-reviewed journals (found through EBSCOhost or JSTOR), the popular press (e.g. Los Angeles Times), or established websites (e.g.,, Huffington Post, Criterion Collection). The article from the popular press might be a film review or an interview with someone who worked on the art work. Wikipedia, Encyclopedia Britannica, and other websites like it are NOT an acceptable sources. ○ To log into the EBSCO databases, go here: (Username: nyfastudentla, Password: Kubrick28!) Select all the databases they offer, then begin your search - film title, year, and director’s last name should bring up plenty of results. Look for “Full Text” or “PDF” included. You can either download or email the articles to yourself. ○ To log into the JSTOR databases, go here: (Log in via your NYFA hub account) ● USE AN ORIGINAL ARGUMENT (or thesis statement) to organize your essay and guide which evidence (research) you include in the paper. For full credit, your thesis should combine all four of your chosen theories. ● INCLUDE SPECIFIC ANALYSIS of the artwork. If it is a time-based audio-visual or audio medium (film/tv, videogame, play, soundscape, music), describe and analyze at least three short scenes/excerpts. If it is a non-time based visual medium (drawings, paintings, photographs, sculptures, installations), describe and analyze at least three major elements relevant to the form. ● CITE your sources in MLA format for both paper and presentation. See this website link for detailed instructions on citation.

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:
Snowpiercer: A Classist Look at the Social Burden of Genders
Snowpiercer, a film directed by Bong Joon Ho of the award-winning Korean film Parasite, strongly depicts a social class struggle among people. It sets the world's social structure on a smaller scale by using a train with each carriage as a symbol of social status; the front being the upper class and the tail as the lowest class. This film has garnered different reviews and opinions because of its theme and target issue which is social class struggle. In talks of social status and class struggle, there are underlying issues that add up to the hardships of those at the bottom.
In this paper, we will look at the movie through four overlapping lenses: representational analysis which focuses on social class, feminism, classist ideologies, and semiotics. This paper would anchor on these theories to talk about social class issues in a feministic approach.
Contrary to the belief that feminism only talks about women and their struggles, in literature, this theory also talks about the patriarchal system and how it has abused those that it perceives to be weak and inferior (Tyson 83). That is to say, the women, the minority, and even the men have been subject to an unfair system of patriarchy.
In the movie Snowpiercer, male domination is very much evident. Throughout the film, there are only three women with a major role (Yona, Tanya, and Mason). With prejudice, one may say it is understandable as the movie is mostly action and brutal. That belief gives the assumption that women or femininity are for more gentle and slow-paced activity. It is manifested in the film when Curtis' group encounters the men with axes and spears, the only women in their group, Yona and Tanya, are gently pushed away from the front. Other women in the film appear to have a typical women role (e.g. the pregnant teacher, Wilford's right hand and "woman", the female student with an attitude). In the early days around the 50s to 70s, women were expected to be soft-spoken, calm, and reserved. Beyond those characteristics, women could be diagnosed with hysteria, an illness associated with women alone. It could be being a loudmouth, sexually active, or expressive. This reminds us of a character in the film who could be diagnosed with hysteria: Mason. With her eloquent language and provoking attitude, Mason does not fit the old idealization of a woman.
One ideology is in parallel to the women's standing in the film. Classist ideology, according to Tyson, is defining your human value according to your social status (59). Which is to say, the more superior you are the more privileged you become. Being a woman puts women on a boxed pedestal where everything is safe, harmless, but guarded. Some would believe being a woman is a privilege and it places women on a higher class which means, at times, they are prioritized. However, some women prefer the battlefield, discomfort, and hard work. Snowpiercer somehow allows these instances to two women in the film; Curtis allows Tanya to join the group after insisting; Mason holds the second-highest position in the train. The cases of Tanya and Mason maybe because this film is set decades later but the instance I men...
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