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2 pages/≈550 words
4 Sources
Research Paper
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 12.96

How microsoft office products will be benifical to my career as a crime scence investigator

Research Paper Instructions:
For this individual assignment, you will use Microsoft Word to construct and format a final draft of your research paper per APA documentation style protocols using support and content from previous research paper parts 1 of 3 and 2 of 3. To prepare for this individual work assignment, you should begin early in the week with the following: Review Steps to Formatting Your Research Paper guide Review APA Style (located under Course Home within the course) Review Academic Tutoring Success Center Review other APA resources online using keyword search \"APA OWL\". Use the supplement training resources at http://office(dot)microsoft(dot)com/en-us/training-FX101782702.aspx Use the skills gained from these resources above to complete the assignment below using Microsoft Word. At this point, you have collected your research and drafted content for ways Microsoft Office Word, Excel, and PowerPoint are used to support various work environments. Using all that you have learned covering APA protocols, prepare a final draft of your research paper using the guidelines below: 1. Use and open a new Microsoft Word document and set font to either Arial or Times New Roman using a font weight of 12. In addition, also set the document to use double spacing. 2. On page 1, include an APA cover page and then include a Section Break and the option (Next Page). 3. Beginning on page 2, include the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion of your paper. Ideally, all students should have at least “3” body paragraphs between the introduction and concluding paragraphs. 4. Within the body paragraphs, a minimum of “4” paraphrased citations formatted to APA to document and verify research are required and more are welcome and encouraged. 5. At the end of the paper after the concluding paragraph, include another Section Break and the option (Next Page). 6. On the last page, include a first level heading “References” and then your APA formatted reference list documenting all sources of research used to support the research paper. Also do not forget to use a hanging indention format aligned left. 7. Include a formatted header with an abbreviated title of your paper and a page number aligned to the right 8. Check to make sure margins are set to “1” inch top, bottom, right, and left. 9. Check to make sure all paragraphs are indented (preferably by ½ inch). When you have your research paper ready for submission, proof the document to ensure that content is free of grammatical and spelling errors.
Research Paper Sample Content Preview:
Running Header: Benefit of Microsoft Office Products in Crime Scene Investigation Name of Student Name of Professor Name of Institution Grade Course Date ********** Benefits of Microsoft Office Products in Crime Scene Investigation Introduction As is evident all through the world, there has been increased knowledge in virtually all sectors and aspects of life. With this increased knowledge and an almost daily trend of discovery of new ideas of doing things, the methods of conducting operations in different sectors have switched completely for instance, thinking of the banking industry where initially there was very much need for paper banking, things have changed technologically to a form of banking that is very automatic and virtual. Methods of committing crime have also changed from the old methods and most probably to more sophisticated and technological intensive methods of crime creation or commission, there hence, there is dire need for the security field of any economy to put in place measures that are in the same way technologically advanced so as to curb this rising intellectual crimes. One of the sophisticated methods of crime detection and curbing is the use of computer programs and softwares. In this assignment I seek to present in total four cases in point on how Microsoft Office has been handy and how in future it will be handy in curbing sophisticated crime. As is well known, piracy is a big crime that really extorts and exploits the original and genuine founders of a product. However piracy is not all that developed to be a big threat because in most times it is conducted not as an organized crime but sorry to state, the Mexican drug syndicate had really stepped far away into this business some year4sd back by beginning organized counterfeiting which became a source of loss and outcry to most if not all investors. Microsoft has put in place a very sophisticated approach to this form of crime and as research indicates, Microsoft tests on software from some popular ...
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