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Social Sciences
Research Paper
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Social Norm The Proposal Social Sciences Research Paper

Research Paper Instructions:

the assignment is done by myself I just need someone to proofread it and edit the paper to make sure it is as critical as it can be.For example, the rubric ask for "analysis based on the hypothesis of the experiment as laid out in the proposal”. This is best demonstrated with research. How did you arrive at your hypothesis. Is it supported by research. Yes, you can use outside sources to make the report stronger and add some citation to the text. Please note this is a Canadian Based paper so please keep that into consideration.
Here is the actual outline for the assignment (your editing is on both part 1 and 2):
For the first part of this assignment your group is asked to choose one (1) norm violation from the attached list and then design a breaching experiment.
What is a breaching experiment?
Imagine these scenarios:

Example 1-You are sitting in a Starbucks on a crowded morning. Your books are open, your coffee is hot and ready to drink, and your IPod is playing your favorite study tunes. You are tapped on the shoulder by an individual holding a newspaper who says, “Excuse me, can I have your seat?” What do you do? What do you say? Is there something strange about this?
Example 2-You are standing in line at the registration office to pay for your classes. The wait has been long but you are nearly at the front of the line. Another student walks calmly to the front of the line, cuts in, and is called to the next open window. What just happened? Do you say something? Do others say or do something?
Breaching Experiments: The above examples are adaptations of breaching experiments conducted by famous sociologist Harold Garfinkel. In these cases, the individual who asked someone to move from their seat for no apparent reason, or who cut in the long line, were violating unspoken social norms. Garfinkel and his students designed experiments to test the unstated social rules that we live by, and examine what happens when these unstated rules and norms are violated. A breaching experiment is a controlled social situation in which individuals involved intentionally break social rules and violate basic norms and patterns of behavior (Croteau and Hoynes, 2012).
Guidelines for the Proposal and Norm Violation
You will think like a social researcher and design an experiment in which you would violate your chosen social norm to examine peoples’ responses. You must decide on one social norm. So first you choose your norm from the attached list, then you compile a proposal, next you conduct the experiment of violating the norm, and lastly you compile a report. You will submit the proposal and the report.
You will prepare your proposal by answering the following questions thoroughly and academically. Please number each of the questions/answers below from (1-3). You do not need to re-write the questions. Use paragraph format to answer each question as thoroughly as possible. Your proposal should be no less than 300 words. Please use a formal, academic, and scientific tone as you answer each question.
1. What is a social norm? What social norm did you select for your breaching experiment? Why and how is this behavior a social norm? Explain.
2. What exactly would you do to go about violating your social norm? Explain in detail.
Where and when would you conduct your experiment? Explain why.
How many times do you intend to repeat your experiment? How many times do you believe would be needed to obtain valid data.
How would you collect data when your norm violation occurs? Notes? Observation? Explain why this is a good way to collect data.
3. What do you believe would happen if you conducted your breaching experiment?
How would people generally respond? Would there be differing responses from people depending on age, sex, race/ethnicity, or any other important variable?
Why do you think people would respond in a certain way? Why might there be differences in the way people may act based on variables like race, sex, age, etc.? Or why not?
Rules for norm violating.
Be safe. This rule trumps all other rules. ****
You must violate the norm alone (no one else can be violating it with you). However, you can have a friend watch you and make observations.
The behavior you choose may be non-normative across our culture or a small group (like your family)
You many not harm anyone, including yourself. This includes getting yourself in trouble. It also includes intentionally humiliating someone else. ****
You may NOT intentionally disrupt your classes. ****
You may NOT break any laws. ****
Do something you wouldn’t normally do.
**** Violation of these rules will result in a failing grade (and possible disciplinary consequences)
Guidelines for the Report
First, each student must write and submit to the group, a report of the their experiment/experience (This is an individual mark). Individual reports will answer questions 1-7. The group will then consolidate these reports into one, and adding responses to questions 8 and 9. Individual reports should be no less than one and a half page double spaced. The consolidated group report should be no less than the sum of one and a half pages times the number of students in a group, plus 3 double-spaced pages. For example, in a case where there are 3 students in a group, the consolidated report should be no less than seven and a half pages double spaced. Use the following questions as a guide to complete the report:
Which norm did you try to break?
Where were the experiments conducted?
What kinds of subjects and what were the results?
What did you expect to find and didn’t find? What did you find that you did not expect to find?
What did you actually find? Are there differences by race, gender, class or age? How about social setting or time of day?
How did people’s reaction to the breach differ?
In what ways did your experiment not work?
What did the results tell you about the nature of the social rule you tried to study?
Why are there social norms? Are they beneficial? If so, who benefits from having them? What is the value to a community or society of having social norms? What would happen if they disappeared?

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:

Social Norm
Social Norm
The Proposal
1 Social norms are rules and patterns that have been socially constructed in a particular society or culture. These unwritten rules are being respected and accepted as being normal by people living in that society. The norms govern an individual's behavior, and it is expected to be obeyed. For this assignment, I have chosen to experiment not making direct eye contact while having a conversation with another person. As it was explained, social norms are socially constructed in a particular society (Bicchieri et al., 2011). Making direct eye contact is being considered very rude in some cultures however in Canada it is a sign of confidence and good manner. If individuals don't make eye contact, it seems like they are not interested in listening to you (Bicchieri et al., 2011). The experiment was interesting since we have a very multicultural society and people who live here have their particular social norms (which are culturally specific to them) while following Canada’s social norms and what is socially constructed and accepted here.
2 While it was at the mall with my brother, I violated this social norm by not looking individuals in the eye and asking them questions. I asked my sister to watch them and tell me what he thought their reactions were.
1 On Thanksgiving Monday, there were only a few malls open beside my home, so I decided to go to one of them with my brother around 2 p.m. I decided to go to a mall because it was easier for me to talk to someone. There were lots of sales associate, which I could talk to. I need to add that I made sure they were not busy when I was conducting my experiment.
2 I tried my experiment in 7 different stores with at least 10-12 sales associates. I wanted to try more stores, but the mall got busy, and it was really hard to talk to an associate. I believe 4 out of 7 associates had the same reaction. As my sister noticed, their faces changed after I walked away. I think to get valid data I would have to change the location to see if it will also work in another setting. I only tried it in the mall, and I think it would have been better if I could try more stores.
3 I had my sister with me to observe and keep notes on every experiment. In my opinion, this was a good way of collecting data because I wanted to be able to do my role as best as possible and I needed someone to pay attention to the sale associates reactions. It would have been better if we could record them but I did not want to do it without their consent, and that was not possible to get since I wanted to experiment their reaction.
3 I have done the experiment because I have always wanted to know people’s reaction if they go through this situation. I believe that the individuals in my experiment reacted to the situation the same way I thought they would.
4 Generally, they would look really confused and lost because they were not sure why I was not making direct eye contact with them. Some of them looked at each other trying to figure out what was wrong with me. As my sister and I noticed it, male tended to care less about me not giving them direct eye contacts and also there was a situation where one of the sale associates was...
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