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Module 4 - Case Management Intervention: Mock Psychosocial Assessment and Treatment Plan

Research Paper Instructions:

Module 4: Case Management Intervention: Application and Considerations
Module 4: Critical Thinking
Mock Psychosocial Assessment and Treatment Plan (75 Points)
Complete a psychosocial assessment using the guide in the textbook chapter entitled “Building a Case File” to complete a psychosocial evaluation of yourself (or a fictional, hypothetical self) as if you were a person seeking case management services. Feel free to be creative about presenting the problem and history of the problem if you are not comfortable addressing an actual personal need. The following sections need to be included, and responded to in detail in your assessment:
1.Identifying information
2.Presenting problem(s)
3.History of the problem(s)/previous problem(s)
4.Family history
5.Family interactions
6.Environment—home and neighborhood
7.Early childhood development
8.Work history
9.Medical information
10.Summary and recommendations
Your evaluation should include a treatment plan per the following specification: Based on the presenting problem(s) that you have identified, develop two measurable goals, specifying objectives and the services that will be applied to achieve these goals. Identify the timeline in which these goals will be accomplished.
Your paper should be 2- to 3-pages in length with document and citation formatting per CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements.
Posted Fri 23 Oct 2015 at 6:12 am
Required Textbooks :
Kanel, K. (2012). A Guide to Crisis Intervention (4th Ed.). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole. ISBN-13: 9780840034298
Miller, G. (2012). Fundamentals of Crisis Counseling. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. ISBN 13: 9780470438305
James, R. K., & Gilliland, B. E. (2013). Crisis Intervention Strategies (7th Ed.). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole.

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:

Mock psychosocial assessment and treatment plan
Institution of affiliation
Mock psychosocial assessment and treatment plan
1. Identifying information
Oswald McMahon is an undergraduate studying for a Bachelor of Arts degree at the Walden University. He is 20 years old and is at the appropriate level for his age as a sophomore. Oswald is a white male and speaks English and Spanish. He learnt Spanish in high school and spent some time abroad. Oswald is a bright student but has in recent months been inconsistent in class attendance and performance. His tutors suspect this is as a result of drug and substance abuse.
2. Presenting problem(s)
Oswald has in the past before joining the University had challenges concerning alcohol use. He picked up the habit as he travelled through Europe with his friends. His family, however, enrolled him in a rehabilitation facility after returning to the States and closely monitored him after. His admission into the University provided the first instance in months where Oswald was not monitored. The euphoria of being free and peer pressure drove Oswald to drug use.
3. History of the problem(s)/previous problem(s)
Oswald's only other interaction with drug and substance abuse was after high school. He goes on a trip to Europe partly paid by his mother. He takes on a job as a part-time graphical designer at a design house in Paris. It is at this place that he is introduced to drugs in the belief that they will release his design prowess. He again resumes substance abuse in University after being pressured by friends into it.
4. Family history
Oswald comes from a home of divorced parents where his mother has custody of him. His mother also is the primary caretaker and pays the bills and other expenses. Oswald has a history of drug abuse specifically alcohol abuse before admission into the University. The problem can be partly attributed to his father's history of alcohol abuse. As a child, Oswald saw his father consistently gravitate towards drugs to escape his woes. Seeing his father use drugs affected Oswald as a child. There were no psychological interventions put in place to ensure that Oswald did not gravitate towards this.
5. Family interactions
Oswald’s family has suffered through drug abuse with his father’s siblings having been affected by drug use. His uncle, his father’s brother died from a drug overdose. His mother's side has however been largely unaffected by drug use. His mother was instrumental in getting him admitted to the rehab facility and ensuring he stayed away from drugs after the period in rehab. His mother arranged for him to stay with her sister where Oswald was protected. Oswald's father has as a result of his drug abuse been to prison for some drug-related offences. Oswald feels like his father wants him to live the life he failed to achieve.
6. En...
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