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10 pages/≈2750 words
5 Sources
Social Sciences
Research Paper
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Environmental Racism: Analysis of Economic and Political Context and Solutions

Research Paper Instructions:

It’s a final paper about environmental economics. I will attach the requirements and the template for grading final paper. I’ll also attach two examples of final papers how my prof would like it to be like. I chose to write about environmental racism. I’m also providing some sources. Will attach it as well. Please do not copy anything from google or Wikipedia. Cite everything. Thank you!!!

PART 1: Research Paper (about 10 pages) (280 points) 

 • Select an environmental problem of interest to YOU .

• 15% Discuss the origins and economics dimensions of the groblem. For example, what are its history, size,and costs.

• 20 % Discuss the economic factors and grocesses that give rise to the groblem. Examples might include the nature of the market incentive system, the existence of externalities, and its character as a public good or a common property resource.

Find examples of attempted solutions to the problem utilizing different approaches  discussed in the course briefly discuss an advantage and disadvantage of each approach. Consult your text. This part of the paper will help you prepare

for the final.  Approaches to be sought. : 15% Command and control

15% Incentive based regulation  

15% Clean TechnologY.

10% Criminal Law

10%Civil action (Search to see if you can find a law case that addresses the problem)

You will be graded according to how well you fulfill the assignment. Any parts left out will subtract points from your overall grade. Also, you MUST cite your sources, including in-text citations and a complete bibliography. Penalties will be given if citations are not complete.

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:

Environmental Racism: Analysis of Economic and Political Context and Solutions
Author's Name
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Course Number and Name
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Assignment Due Date
Environmental Racism: Analysis of Economic and Political Context and Solutions
Environmental racism is one of the most heinous impacts of environmental pollution with underlying political stimulants; this environmental menace involves systemic exposure of marginalized communities to toxic pollutants. Although political motives constitute a significant stimulant for environmental pollution, its economic impact on marginalized communities is also apparent. Discriminatory politics and policymaking and enforcement of biased environmental laws expose ethnic minorities to severe health and economic consequence in a deliberate attempt to subdue a segment of the population (Beech, 2020). The intrinsic relationship between environmental racism is politics is obvious; however, the sway of economic factors is of no lesser significance in the whole scenario. According to scholars, other than race, the socioeconomic status of a locality also plays crucial in increasing the chances of environmental racism, as regions of low socioeconomic status are more than likely to suffer from this menace (Bullard, 2020).
Exposing these neighbourhoods to toxic waste also decreases the economic efficiency of the people by compromising their social benefits and profile (Willers, 1996). In America, the problem of environmental racism and its link to a lack of political will is apparent, as indicated by the excessive exposure of minority communities living in Houston, Texas, to hazardous pollutants (Bullard, 2020). Similarly, according to another credible report, more than 75% of black Americans are more than likely to suffer from the health and economic hazards of environmental racism as they live in proximity to oil and gas facilities (Garza, 2021). In view of these facts, this essay aims to explore the relationship between politics and environmental racism, highlighting how this relationship exposes ethnic minorities to environmental hazards, such as landfills. Moreover, this discussion also evaluates the economic and health impact of environmental racism on the people of marginalized communities with an aim to provide solutions using various economic approaches.
Environmental Racism: The Relationship with Politics
Several credible research studies have exposed the political and social factors behind environmental racism; according to The United Church of Christ's (1987) Report, the number of hazardous facilities installed in the neighbourhood of people of colour is double the number of same facilities in a white neighbourhood. This study also verified using statistics and facts that race is a crucial factor (Bryant & Mohai, 2019). In this regard, scholars argue that despite the economic factor that forces poor people of colour to live in polluted neighborhoods, the role of politics in aggravating their problems is instrumental. Since people of colour usually have low socioeconomic status, they exercise little political clout; moreover, industrialists tend to avoid any form of political confrontation and select these regions as they offe...
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