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Personality is More Important than Emotional Intelligence When It Comes to Career Success

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Personality traits are useful for explaining why people act fairly consistently in different situations
Personality and emotional intelligence are key factors associated with career success. The extent to which a hospitality manager can use his/her inherent personality traits, and regulate his/her emotions for situational effectiveness, has a direct effect on the path to promotion.
Develop an argument that SUPPORTS the position: that personality is more important than emotional intelligence when it comes to career success.

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This essay elaborates on the personality experience virtues, explores emotional intelligence, and evaluates, which would lead to better results in career development. It is a comparison that yields both considerations and brings in the differential argument on why one would weigh more than the others. The conclusion highlights the rebuttals of applications of these concepts and allows in a more and proper examination of these rebuttals.
Personality influences how people receive and respond to several aspects of their career, healthcare aspects included. Most of these vary in dimensions and picks that which benefits their situations most. Healthcare experts, caregivers, nurses, doctors, surgeons have different personality traits that work well for their setups. The differences observed hereunder can be elaborated by exploring the personality theories and their effects on healthcare. Emotional intelligence is applying an individual’s feelings and emotions to find a proper way to benefit them. Johnson (2015) identifies that aiding them extends to other people in the same realms around them, who are also subjected to the same study. This goes along to inspire other people in the same category as caregivers to deliver their best services to those who depend on them.
There have been studies to explore both personality influences and emotional intelligence. Studies show the benefits of each of these concepts separately. However, concerns arise in creating more services to caregivers, medical institutions, and the population at large. To elaborate this, the concepts of personality influence are explored: extroversion, openness to creativity, experience, and emotionality. Aspects of an emotional experience for this research include self-awareness, self-management, and social awareness, and relationship management. For a more straightforward analysis, this essay explores the concepts of PE and EI mentioned above. It weighs on to justify the claim that personality is more efficient than emotional intelligence in caregiving.
Personality Experience
The aspects of personality experience in a career include extroversion, openness to creativity, experience, and emotionality. An elaboration by Hajek, Bock, and König (2017), indicated that extroversion is having a positively-skewed outlook of life. Such individuals are happy, always finding some new concept in their lives, socializing, and are ever in their best moods. They encourage other people to view life differently. In the healthcare sector, such an individual gives hope to the patients and the healthcare institution by inspiring people through their character. Their undying energy gives hope for creativity and hard work. New methods of handling patients can be created; proper managerial aspects are brought to the fore, better customer relations, and administration. This aspect couples well with openness, in which an individual remains curious and open-minded to solve problems. Such people can create an idea out of nowhere, work on it to benefit their people, and are ever on high alert to adopt new ideas.
Another aspect of personality experience i...
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