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Develop a Plan for Disseminating a Business Research Report

Research Paper Instructions:

For this assignment, assume that you are working for an organization as a researcher in their Innovation and Product Development Division. You have performed the needed research and are developing a report that needs to be disseminated to technical staff as well as senior management.
Create a plan including an introduction and a conclusion in which you discuss how you would communicate and disseminate the report in a business context. Be sure to include the following considerations:
1. How your decision will vary based on the purpose of the report, who the audience is, the circumstances, and limitations of the report.
2. How will you consider readability, comprehensibility, tone, and presentation method?
3. Will you use written, tabular, or graphical form? On what will you base this decision?
4. Is there a difference regarding how you present your report to a technical audience versus upper management? Please explain.
Length: 3-5 pages (not including front and back matter)
Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University's Academic Integrity Policy.

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:

A Business Research Report Plan
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A Business Research Report Plan
A report to be presented to members of a technical staff within the Division of Innovation and Product Development is categorized as a technical report. In additional to the type of the target audience, there are several other factors that will determine the decisions in communicating and presenting the report. Thus, a comprehensive plan ought to be formulated, encompassing all elements of the report and mechanisms that will be used to attain objectivity of the research report. Below is the analysis of consideration in communicating a technical report under differing scenarios.
The purpose of the Report
The purpose of the report is a primary consideration for business reports. The report will have to include sections that precisely indicate the objectives of the research. Sections of the prefatory information, specifically the title page and the executive summary ought to be included. Collis and Hussey (2013) state that the title of the report must include key words that will communicate the purpose of the report. Information on the client organization date and the research are also included on the title page of the business report. The inclusion of the executive summary offers elaborate information on the objectives of the research, salient findings and recommendations. Additional information may be included based on client needs.
The audience dictates communication considerations. In line with the number of readers, copies of the report will be availed to the members of the technical. A staged presentation that addresses critical areas of the report will also be conducted. Based on knowledge levels of the professional team, information in the form of data, analysis and detailed discussion on the findings of the report will be included. The objective is to meet information needs of every member of the technical team as shown in Kuiper (2009). The function of every member of the technical team (audience) is also a primary consideration. Data analyst with the Innovation and Product Development Division will be served with data collection, analysis, and presentation approach used in the research. Product developers and innovators require that procedures and steps developed in the report to be precisely communicated. Division managers who are part of the audience dictate that an element of decision support information is included in the reports. For instance, a decision to produce or not to produce a certain product needs to be based on comprehensive decision-making procedures that will be part of the report.
Circumstances and Limitation
Every research process is prone to challenges posed by prevailing conditions. A good report ought to include every aspect of the findings when reporting the research (Kuiper, 2009). A technical team is a group of experts with an immense interest in every aspect of the report. Thus, limitation and circumstances will be included in every step of the report. The methodology, data collection and data analysis section will reflect limitation experienced.
Readability is defined as the ease with which an individual ...
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