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Research and discuss the Role of women in Victorian England. What were some of the abuses of women

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Research and discuss the Role of women in Victorian England. What were some of the abuses of women

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Research and discussion of women in Victorian England
Institutional Affiliation
The Victorian era, also known as Victorian England referred to the period by which Queen Alexandrina Victoria took up the reins of power over England from 1837 to 1901 when she died (Clark, 2013). Coming into power at a time that the citizens disregarded royalty due to their manner of handling issues, Queen Victoria slowly brought the monarch’s glory back by overseeing the change in ideologies, political reforms and industrial reforms through the industrial revolution, developing the country. Despite all these reforms, her reign established various roles for women while exposing them to different abuses.
Role of women in Victorian England
The primary role of women during the Victorian era was to be a housewife. Women undertook domestic roles while men were superior beings. According to Hughes, a woman’s position in society was at home where she would love, admire and obey her husband without asking questions (Hughes, 2014, May 15). Further, as housewives, their emotional and physical fulfillments were expected to come from them caring for their husband, giving birth and raising his children. Motherhood was considered a respectable acumen in a woman. Thus, all were expected to want it and achieve it (Vicinus, 2013, pp. 173-75).
Women played the roles of dependents in the Victorian Era. The reign of Queen Victoria saw women considered as second class citizens while the men as superior beings. The law during this era erected numerous restrictions on women leaving them helpless with a reprieve by getting married. According to the law, the women had no right to seek employment, and when they did, they received a negligible pay, and in some instances, the men withheld it. After marriage, a woman’s liberty to own property and have money became the husband responsibility who would represent her in all matters and control everything (Faith, 2011). Moreover, the women became property that men would own, giving them control over women’s bodies, actions, and needs. Consequently, women became ...
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