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Effects of Wildlife on Airport Operation Research Assignment

Research Paper Instructions:

- Survey/Synthesis current FAA procedures as it relates to airport operations.
- Provide examples in which wildlife has significantly impacted airport operations.
- Provide impactful results to remedy and prove current procedures and practices.
- Discuss the Safety Plan and how it can be implemented on a national level.
- Use standard research paper format (double space, APA, times new roman, ect).

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Effects of Wildlife on Airport Operation
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Effects of Wildlife on Airport Operation:
Traditionally wildlife refers to untamed species of animals, but presently it has come to include all the fungi, plants, and other creatures that grow or live remotely in a region without any introduction by human beings (Carter, Thok, O'Rourke, and Pearce, 2015). We find wild animals and plants in all ecological units. These ecosystems include grasslands, deserts, plains, forests, and other parts that comprise of the most advanced metropolitan areas. All these areas have unique forms of wildlife. Although the term in everyday culture refers to the creatures that are not touched by human issues, most experts agree that a lot of wildlife is affected by the activities of human beings.
People have traditionally tried to detach modernization from wildlife in various ways, which include the moral, social, and legal sense. Some beasts, though, have adjusted to residential atmospheres. The creatures comprise of animals like the domesticated dogs, cats, mice, and gerbils. Some faiths declare specific animals to be holy, and in modern era concerns for the natural environment have motivated protestors to raise objections against the mistreatment of wildlife for human entertainment or other advantages. The international population of wildlife has decreased by more than 50 percent. There is a need, therefore, for wildlife conservation.
Wildlife conservation is the exercise of caring for wild animal and plant species, and their territories. Wild animals and plants play an essential role in balancing the environmental surroundings and offers stability to several natural developments of nature. The objective of conserving wildlife is to make sure that there will be nature for generations to come to appreciate and also to be aware of the importance of wildlife and the deserts for people and other species equally. Many countries have government institutions and non- governmental organizations committed to wildlife preservation, which assist in implementing rules intended to safeguard wildlife. Several independent non-profit firms also promote numerous wildlife management causes. This support includes giving out cash to enable the various functions of the wildlife.
Wildlife in America gets a most of their funding via appropriations from annual federal and state grants, the federal budget, and financial efforts from programs such as the Wetlands and the Conservation Reserve Programs. In addition to that, a significant amount of dollars comes from the government through the sale of fishing or hunting licenses, stamps, game tags, and excise duties from the buying of hunting tools, which collects a substantial amount of money yearly. Wildlife management has become a vital practice due to the adverse effects of activities of people on wildlife. These human actions make the wild animals and plant an endangered species. An endangered species is the populace of an existing species that are at risk of becoming destroyed because the species has a decreasing or low population, or because they are given threats by the changing ecological or prepositional factors.
Current FAA Procedures as it Relates to Airport Operations
The Fe...
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