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CFI Final Paper. God Horus Protecting King Nectanebo II

Research Paper Instructions:

Choose one of the works of Egyptian or Greek art from the Metropolitan Museum. Spend a suitable period of time studying this artwork and make detailed notes of what you see and of the physical surroundings in which it is displayed.

Then imagine that you are one of the characters from "The Odyssey" and write an essay about the artwork from the point of view of that character.
The essay should, therefore, reveal your insights about the character and the art, focusing on those aspects of both that would be relevant in this encounter.
For instance, if you have Odysseus discussing an Egyptian god, you could, for example, have him comparing the features of the image that he sees with his experience of (or relationship with) a god/or gods. Or he could compare the power of the god with his own displays of human power.

The encounter can be with art object and the character from the same part of the world (eg Sappho and a Greek vase) or across cultures (eg Sakuntala and an Egyptian statue) as long as there’s some point of connection that allows for insights into the character and the art.

*** This is an essay. So, make sure that you have a main idea around which you organize this encounter between the character and the work of art, and that you develop this idea clearly and persuasively. The Introduction should present that idea in a compelling way and the Conclusion should both synthesize your main findings and bring your points to an effective ending.

*** You need evidence to substantiate all the points that you make. The evidence should come from three sources – the visual details of the art work, examples from/references to the text and even information from the Art Book to enrich or elaborate aspects of the art.
*** All references to the texts must be clearly documented – page numbers, line numbers or section numbers either in parenthesis or footnotes/endnotes.
*** You could write the essay in the first person assuming the voice of the character you choose. You could write it as a letter or a journal entry. Or else you could present the encounter in the third person – e.g “Odysseus looks at the Egyptian mummy and remembers the dead he had seen in the Underworld… or remembers how he almost died at sea…” It doesn’t have to be this morbid!
write a short account of informal writing about the object and why it caught your attention. This writing needs to be attached to your essay.

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God Horus Protecting King Nectanebo II
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God Horus Protecting King Nectanebo II
The statue of the god Horus Protecting King Nectanebo II is an Egyptian statue that was made around 1000 B.C to 1 A.D (Metropolitan Museum, 2018). The statue represents King Nectanebo and the God Horus represented by a Falcon. The King was considered to have a very close connection with the Falcon god Horus. The ancient Egyptians strongly believed that their king was divine and that he represented Horus in the living world. This meant that Horus ruled the people as a divine king. Moreover, in a cult referred to as Nectanebo-the-Falcon, the king is considered to be the main focus. The statue has various aspects that represent the Egyptian culture and also displays the skills that Egyptian artists had. Since the statue represents ancient Egypt, it has various differences from Greek art and culture as well. The statue represents the King’s relationship with the falcon god, which can closely be related to Ulysses’s relationship with god Athena. The statue seems to have characteristics that are much surprising to Ulysses, more specifically how the god is represented, how the king is represented, and the relationship between the king and the god. This essay seeks to discuss the statue from the point of view of Odysseus, also known as Ulysses.
The interesting aspect of the statue that gains Ulysses’s attention is the fact that the statue represents god Horus in a non-human form. The god Horus is represented as a falcon with a crown on his head, which is very unusual for Ulysses. Greek gods had physical appearances that were similar to human beings. Based on Ulysses knowledge, gods are much similar to human beings apart from the fact that they are more powerful and live in a different world. Ulysses remembers seeing Athena as being fully human, which is much different from Egyptian gods. The character of the deity determined the type of animal that was used to describe the Egyptian god. In this case, the Egyptian god is represented as a falcon because the name ‘Horus’ is derived from the word hr, which represents above (Kaulins, 2018). Meaning that Horus soars above the earth like a falcon. Based on Ulysses’s knowledge, gods represent various aspects, for example, his protector, the goddess Athena was the goddess of a variety of things such as skill, arts, strength, law, civilization, inspiration, and much more. However, on remembering the statue that he and Diomedes planned on stealing during the Trojan War, the goddess had no animal like characteristics; In fact she was fully human.
Seeing the god Horus and King Nectanebo together reminds Ulysses of how different their relationship is with his and goddess Athena. Ulysses has been protected by goddess Athena and has supported him in many circumstances. Ulysses realizes that just like him, the king Nectanebo the second was protected by a god who helped him rule over the kingdom. However, apart from protection, Ulysses also realizes that the king had a different type of relationship with god Horus, as compared to his relationship with Athena. The god Horus protected the people of Egypt through the p...
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