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Microbiology: The Infectious Diseases Research Paper

Research Paper Instructions:

Topic: Microbiology and human health: Infectious Diseases
Textbook: Willey, J. M., Sherwood, L. M., & Woolverton, C. J. (2014). Prescott's Microbiology 9th Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill.
As a reminder, for this project, you are the science reporter for your local newspaper. You have just received an assignment from your editor. She asks you to write an article on a major topic within the field of microbiology. She stipulates that in this article you must:
1. Generate a historical timeline of the major scientific discoveries leading to our current understanding of the topic.
2. Include a summary of our current understanding of the topic.
3. Project where the next major advance or breakthrough in your topic will come from.
For Part B of this project, using the topic, outline and resources that you developed for Part A, write a 2,000 word article for your newspaper following your editor’s instructions. Your article should not just quote the research articles you have consulted, but convert them into language that is understood by non-scientists without losing meaning.
For references or use the Credo Reference and/or Britannica Online: Academic Edition databases in addition to the textbook. 

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:

Microbiology is the study specifically associated with living organisms in the microscopic range such as the bacteria, algae, viruses, protozoa and fungi. The study is focused on their form, reproduction, metabolism, classification and structure. While some of the microbes are healthy, others are quite infectious and deadly. Over the years the human body has become a fortified pillar against most of the disease causing agents. There are defenses such as stomach acid, skin, nasal hairs and a highly advanced antibody system. However, despite all the defense mechanisms of the body, there are times that the body succumbs to the microbe, developing illnesses associated with bacterial infections, fungal infections, parasitic infections and viral infections (, 2016). Over the years, scientists have been put to task of staying ahead of the ever changing microbial organisms and related infections, in search of better ways to prevent, diagnose and even treat the infections where possible.
The discovery of the microscope in the 16th century brought to life the study of microbes. With the invention by Zacharias Janssen, when he added one more lens to the telescope to come up with the first prototype of the compound microscope, that is present today (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2016). Galileo also came up with one of the historical microscopes that were used in the study of compound eyes in the insects. The first time, however, that microbes were estimated to have been sighted on a microscope, were in 1665, by an Englishman named Robert Hooke, who viewed the cellular structures of fungi and plants, bringing knowledge to the science that organisms are made of cells (, 2016).
Before 1865, there was not much information available on the elements of existence bacteria and other microbes. However, the period that followed right up to 1882, which is largely referred to as the golden era, there were quite a number pioneers in the field of microbiology such as Robert Koch, Lister and Louis Pasteur among others, who made some quite significant steps in the study of microbiology. For example, in the year of 1880, Louis Pasteur comes up with the method of attenuating virulent pathogens which caused chicken cholera as a means of immunizing against the same (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2016).In the years that followed, Koch came up with solidified culture media(, 2016). In the same year Paul Ehrlich comes up with a means to use dye methylene blue for bacteriological staining of the tubercular bacillus. After the golden era, then came the modern era, which is the period after golden era to date. This is a period that experienced massive and significant developments tied to the accumulation of knowledge from technological and research developments (, 2016).
Microbes have had a significant impact on the society relative to the fact that, they constantly bring about infectious diseases. The infectious diseases have largely had massive impacts on the human population. Until the 1930s, infectious diseases caused havoc in the millions, sometimes wiping entire family generations. During this age, infant mortality was roughly 50%. This is to...
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