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Health, Medicine, Nursing
Research Paper
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Elements of a Risk Management Program

Research Paper Instructions:

In 1,000-1,250 word paper, conduct a review of the risk management program for new employees in a health organization. Include the following:
Explain the steps for presenting a risk management program to new employees.
Evaluate the presentation for compliance with the American Society of Healthcare Risk Management (ASHRM).
Propose recommendations for inclusion in the program or changes that you would make to further improve the program or meet compliance.
Examine the administrative process of management the risk program.
Support your analysis with three peer-reviewed references, which may include your textbook.
Explain the Steps for Presenting a Risk Management Program to New Employees
Evaluate the Presentation for Compliance with the American Society of Healthcare Risk Management Propose Recommendations for Inclusion in the Program or Changes That You Would Make to Further Improve the Program or Meet Compliance(ASHRM).
Examine the Administrative Process of the Risk Management Program
TEXT BOOK:Risk Management in Healthcare Institutions: Limiting Liability and Enhancing Care
Read Chapters 1, 2, 3, and 5 in Risk Management in Healthcare Institutions: Limiting Liability and Enhancing Care.

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:

Elements of a Risk Management Program
Institutional Affiliation:
Risk management entails policies or the activities that are enacted within the health organization to reduce exposure to liabilities. From patient’s safety standards to the financial statuses, it is vital for health organizations to ensure that there are enough measures that protect the patients. Risk management primarily focuses on saving the financial reliability and environmental safety of a health institution (Cole, Chaudhary, & Bang, 2014). Currently, there are physician and hospital staff communication and participatory approaches that have extended the focus on the safety standards of patients with the aim of promoting quality care.
In other words, health institution spot risks by evaluating incidents, identifying the indicators, studying the trends and undertaking a continua monitoring approach in mitigating such risks. In line with this, specific departments are often assisted in identifying and correcting work practices and environmental conditions that would result in injuries (Cole, 2014).As identified by relevant materials, risks are those occurrences that happen within a health institution that are not consistent with the functions of a health facility or a routine patient care that negatively impact or threatens the comfort and lives of patients, visitors and employees. This paper therefore seeks to conduct a review on the risk management programs for new employees within a health institution.
Steps for Presenting a Risk Management Program to New Employees
It is essential to determine that an active risk management program requires the incorporation of key structural elements, elementary processes and sufficient scopes that cover all the applicable areas that may initiate risks (Mulligan, Shapiro, & Walrod, 2010). In developing a risk management program for new employees within a medical institution, it is essential to consider the fact that the employment of personnel requires a health care risk management professional approach. This approach ensures that a safe work environment for the employees is developed to reduce the risks of injuries and occupational illnesses, and ensuring that compensatory measures are put in place to facilitate the compensation of workers who suffer injuries or related illnesses within a work environment.
In order to achieve this, it is essential for the risk management professionals to maintain knowledge on the relevant workers, the compensation laws and regulations that allows them to work efficiently with the human resource departments, designated staff members, and other employees within the institution (Mulligan, 2010). The most effective steps for presenting a risk assessment program to the new employees therefore entails:
Risk Identification
In this step, the management professionals enlighten the new employees of the risks that frequently occur within the health care environment that may result in potential losses to the institution. Such exposure may be the loss of financial assets through judgments on liabilities, casualty losses, human losses through injuries and deaths, and the intangible loss of the organizations reputation (Mulli...
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