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The Nuclear Accident of Chernobyl Engineering Research Paper

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Please see the outline and requirements of the paper in the attached PDF.


Overview of Paper • Students will write a research (literature review) paper on an engineering solution, technical issue, event, disaster, or design evolution. The paper will include a thorough literature review and an in-depth discussion of the topic (e.g., for a specific event include what led up to the event, the event itself, and what happened as a result). Be sure to include all relevant technical and nontechnical (e.g., human factors, social, economic, cultural, political, environmental, ethical) factors, as well as the impact of the event/design on society. The topic can be something discussed in class, but does not have to be. • The body of the paper should be 6-7 pages in length; This does not include the title page, Abstract or Reference pages(s). The paper should be double-spaced, Times New Roman (or similar), 12 point-font with 1-inch margins on all sides. Use headings as appropriate to guide the reader. Any figures or tables included do not count towards the page requirement and should be explained thoroughly in the body of the paper. Always cite your sources, parenthetically and in the reference page. • Students will receive peer and professor reviews on the paper, and will perform a peer review. Students will be graded on both the quality of their paper and the quality of the peer reviews they write. • The paper will be written in APA style. For guidance in using APA, consult the most recent edition of: Using American Psychological Association (APA) Format by the Purdue University Online Writing Lab.


1/1 The Nuclear Accident of Chernobyl • Background information: • Time occurred: Saturday, 26th April, 1986 • Location: near the city of Pripyat in the north of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic • Explosion of the No. 4 nuclear reactor in the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant • Technical issue: • Overheat of the nuclear reactor while the emergency stop button was pushed • Unexpected steam explosion • Inappropriate use of materials • Human factors: • Terrible operation during the test——the chief engineer and the workers wanted to finish the test and hand over early • The arrogance from the engineers——strongly believed that it is impossible for a nuclear reactor like this to explode • Buck-passing of people • Social factors: • Very few people knew that was a nuclear explosion at the first place, or even if they knew, not many were aware of the damage radiation could do to human body • People were not evacuated immediately • Unnecessary casualties • Political factors: • Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic wanted to hide the accident at the first place • Cold War between Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic and the United States • Pressure from social medias • Pressure from the huge loss of power and funding • Comparison to the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in Japan. • Reflection and better solution

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Chernobyl Accident
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Chernobyl Accident
Background Information
Chernobyl Disaster occurred on April 26th 1986. The disaster is recorded as the worst nuclear power accident in the history of nuclear energy, with irreversible impacts on the people and the surrounding environment. The catastrophe took place at Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, which is located near the city of Pripyat in the north of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, resulted from the inaccurate Soviet reactor’s plan. The inaccurate plans were integrated with the negligence of plant operatives, causing an explosion of the No. 4 nuclear reactor of Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. It is perceived that as a direct result of Cold War segregation, there were inadequate safety practices in the nuclear plants. Chernobyl Disaster is considered a unique accident in the history of civilization and commercialized nuclear power, with many injuries resulting from radiation. The design of the reactor was specific, but as a result of this accident, various precautionary and mitigation measures were implemented in nuclear power investments. The accident severity was enhanced by technical issues, human factors, social factors, and political factors.
The Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant structure consisted of four chain reactors of the RBMK-1000 design. The 1st and 2nd units were assembled between 1970 and 1977 while the 3rd and 4th units of similar design were completed in 1983. When the accident occurred, two additional RBMK reactors were being constructed. The site of the plant also had an artificial lake on some 22 square kilometers located to its southeast next to the river Pripyat, a side stream of Dniepr.  The lake was designed on the Chernobyl plant zone to assist in cooling the reactors whenever there was a need. The population surrounding the nuclear plant zone was ranging between 115,000 to 135,000 people within a 30km radius.
The reactors on-site were manufactured from graphite regulated RBMK-1000 pressure tube and were applied with moderately enhanced Uranium dioxide fuel (2% u-235). A vital feature of the RBMK reactor is its capability to hold a ‘positive void coefficient,’ where an increase in the voids (steam bubbles) corresponds to an increment in the reactivity of the core. When the disaster occurred, the combustion of the reactor’s fuel, the arrangement of the control rod, and the amount of power created a substantial power that exceeded other controlling elements on power coefficient (Mosey, 2014).
Until today, decontamination is still going on. It is believed that the disaster released radiation that was 100 times more than that released by the nuclear bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the radiation is believed to have affected parts of Scandinavia. Withal, there was also widespread irritation because the Soviet authorities were secretive about its causes. However, it was the Chernobyl disaster that led to the fall of the Iron Curtain. The horrors and aftermath of the accident are deeply etched in the history of humanity (Mosey, 2014).
In the process of safety system tests, Chernobyl 4 was destroyed as a result of a power outage. Based on its design, the RBM...
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