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Bridge Design. Engineering Research Assignment.

Research Paper Instructions:

Project‐01: Bridge Design
Due Date: Sunday, April 26, 2020 by 11:59 pm (Submit softcopy in Blackboard)
1. OBJECTIVES:This design project is intended to give hands-on exercise on the use of various stages of the design process; i.e,problem definition, generation of goals and criteria, generation of alternatives, assessment of alternatives,evaluation and decision making, planning, testing, and communication of the design. Each design team is expectedto perform a thorough search, generate imaginative and creative ideas, evaluate and assess them thoroughly usingappropriate criteria and various techniques discussed in the class, and then, construct a model for the proposeddesign. Simple design calculations using MDsolid software and experimental testing are required.The learning outcomes from this project are summarized in the following:
 Demonstrate creative thinking,
 Demonstrate an understanding of modern engineering design methodology.
 Assess a specific design through simple design calculations using MDsolid software,
 Design a simple setup for experimental testing and assess a specific design through simple testing,
 Work in small groups on simple conceptual design projects,
 Communicate and present the design to others
In general credit will be given for the following two main aspects of the project:
- Results of experimental testing of submitted project.
- Thoroughness and appropriateness of testing designed testing procedures and calculations.
- Submitted report (from the points of view of quality, followed procedures, intense of study of various designstages).
- Competition results.
It is required to design a bridge that will be subjected to a static vertical load at its mid-span. The main objectiveis to have a maximum load carrying capacity for a given weight without exceeding certain specified displacementand to be able to predict this capacity accurately. The proposed model is to be fabricated and submitted for testingaccording to the procedures described below. The submitted structure must meet the design specification listed initem number 3.
Length: 70 cm ± 2.5 cm Width:12 cm maximum
Height: 15 cm ± 1.0 cm (Height will be measured from the highest to the lowest point in the structure). The general shape of the bridge will fit in a box (as shown in figure-1) with dimensions 70x12x15 cm. The topsurface or upper deck of the bridge must have a flat portion in the mid-span of at least 10 cm long and 12 cmwidth to allow for the loading platform. Also there should be no members that would interfere with the loadingbar right at the center line of thebridge.15 cm70 cm 12 cmMATERIAL:The structure will be made entirely out of wood and wood glue. Use very light wood with cross section 0.5 x0.5 cm.
A report explaining how you designed your bridge in MDsoild, using MDsoild software to design the bridge assuming the force from the test is 200N You need to use screen shots from the software to show the steps and the results. Also the report should include a description on how you applied the design method stages, Use Engineering report format,No prototype build is required.
the reported should be done using MDsoild software and i need screenshots

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:

Bridge Design
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Subject and Section
Professor’s Name
Date of Submission
Project 01: Bridge Design
* Introduction
Together with the innovation of the technology, the engineering industry keeps up. Design is one of the most important in engineering, having a software that helps a student with a structural design together with its computation is a big advantage. Unlike the use of pen and paper, it is just a few clicks away to solve a certain problem plus the student get to visualize the problem easily. MDSolids is a software that helps the student practice the ability to design more aesthetically pleasing yet attaining the satisfaction of standard for the strength of materials. This activity aims to discuss and show how the bridge will be designed using the MDSolids software.
* Problem Statement
Build a bridge that will be subjected to a static vertical load 200 N at its mid-span. The main objective is to have a maximum load carrying capacity for a given weight without exceeding certain specified displacement and to be able to predict this capacity accurately. The proposed model is to be fabricated and submitted for testing according to the procedures described below:
* The general shape of the bridge will fit in a box as shown in the figure with dimensions 70cm x 12cm x 15cm. The top surface or upper deck of the bridge must have a flat portion in the mid-span of at least 10cm long and 12 cm width to allow for the loading platform. Also there should be no members that would interfere with the loading bar right at the center line of the bridge.
4704080571500520890518415015cm0015cm473900559372512cm0012cm1241533-291910cmNo truss members here @CL70cm0010cmNo truss members here @CL70cm
* Theory
Beam is one of the most common structural beam according to Philpot (2014), the developer of the software MDSolids. Also it is subjected to resist forces that lie on a plane longitudinally. Shear moment and bending moment plays a big role to determine the internal forces acting on a beam. The two types of beam are: Simply Supported Beam where only vertical force lies, also supports the force but not the rotation. Cantilever Beam which lies both vertical and horizontal force, also supports the force and the rotation of the beam. After defining the type and location of the force, shear-force and bending moment diagrams are easier to plot the model. According to Philpot (2014), flexure formula is used to compute the normal stress of a beam while the shear stress formula for the beams are used to compute the transverse shear stress. Internal forces and moments used to compute the stresses are shown in the plotted model. The deflection can be showed if the material properties are given, it is important because it can show the beam’s maximum point before it breaks and to identify if the beam can satisfy the strength requirement.
* Methodology
* Outlining the Beam and its Load
Run the software, Select ‘Determinate Beams’ and a dialog box will open. Select the simply supported beam type;
790575361950Simply Supported BeamCantilever BeamSimply Supported BeamCantilever Beam18669005238751943100561975
70 cm x 10 mm1 cm=700mm
After selecting the type of beam, put ‘700&...
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