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Communications & Media
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Role of Social Media in Spreading Rumors in the Society

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The topic of the essay is the role of social media in spreading rumors in society. For this, I will implement an essay structure starting with an introduction featuring a thesis around the role of social media in spreading fake news on a global level, its reasons, severity, and solutions. After the introductory paragraph, I will include three topic paragraphs; one will transmit the reasons behind the fast and uncontrollable conveyance of rumors through social sites. For this, I will refer to the article “Why people spread rumors on social media: developing and validating a multi-attribute model of online rumor dissemination” by Shen et al., who focused on a psychological aspect and individual behavior. The authors researched through the theory of stimulus-organism-response to discover the nature of fake information on the internet and explore how the informational features of this false news are treated through the intercession of emotional variables to stimulate the online spread of wrong information. Besides the psychological model to approach the reasons for misusing social sites in this way, the social sites themselves are responsible for it in many ways, like encouraging the feature of 'anonymity.'
After discussing the reasons of rumors through social media in a paragraph with evidence, I will build a new paragraph to demonstrate the severity of the problem, and how a trivial and common trend in the social media age can contribute to unexpected results and losses. For example, social media has performed a central role in spreading fake news regarding Covid-19 on a universal level. The pandemic was a global issue, and it impacted every culture on the planet earth. Still, the people developed false perspectives regarding its origin, nat...
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