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15 Sources
Business & Marketing
Research Paper
English (U.S.)
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Sonnamera UAE Market Entry Strategy

Research Paper Instructions:

Choose UAE as the market, and choose a product that you will use to enter the market
Description of Assignment:
Individuals will develop an entry strategy for a market and product. You should include analysis and information on consumer behavior, legal and tax implications, labor supply, infrastructure, supply chains, and other requirements for successful entry.
For this assignment you will produce a Market Entry Report in two parts. Part 1 will consist of a Country Analysis describing the social, political, economic, and business environment in the country, its historical trajectory, and economic and business challenges and opportunities. Part 2 will advise an entry strategy, cultural aspects, human resource management practices, and engagement with government and other stakeholders, identifying strengths and weaknesses and recommendations for improved performance. This report will be due one week after the course has finished.
Grading Criteria (What constitutes a good assignment?): Good reports will clearly document the sources of information contained in the report in APA style. They will be well organized and of appropriate length; written in clear English that is generally free of errors; and demonstrate an understanding of the conventions of academic writing. Reports will include a title page listing the students name and their focal market. The title page will also include a word count, excluding the title page and list of references. The text of the country report should be 2500 words, double-spaced in a 12-point font. This is a strict limit – 0.1 points will be deducted for each word over or under the prescribed word count for this report. The report should be submitted to myCourses either as a Word doc or as a PDF. Good reports will highlight the most important aspects of the market context, including relevant data, and provide a clear and coherent analysis and argument. For detailed assignment guidelines and the assignment rubrics, see myCourses.
Market Entry Rubric - Individual Assignment

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:
Sonnamera UAE Market Entry Strategy Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Sonnamera Market Entry Strategy Introduction Sonnamera is an Asian food factory that deals with the manufacture of canned vegetables and fruits. The organization is looking to expand its distribution into the United Arab Emirates. Their distribution hub is based in Singapore and is strategically located to access markets in the UAE, European Union, and other global markets. The UAE market provides a suitable market for the expansion Sonnamera. Some of the critical factors that are considered when building an effective entry strategy include selecting the first market to access. The UAE is a political federation of 7 states: Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Umm al Qaywayn, Sharjah, Fujairah, Ajman, and Ra’s al-Khaima (European Commission, 2012). While the federal government oversees trade policies of the federation, different states have different statues and policies governing their markets (Akoum, 2008). However, since Sonnamera seeks to export canned foods and agricultural products, which contribute less than one percent of the market, entry into the industry is likely to be easy. Other elements of entry that the brand needs to consider include product position and choice of retailers and distributors. Since the UAE is now among the 20 most powerful first world countries, the product will target exotic consumers. The UAE is the world’s seventh-largest holder of oil and natural gas reserves. As such, the economy of the UAE is one of the most resilient economies in the world, despite the global economic trends that are highly influenced by changes in demand for energy. During the economic recession in mid-2014 and disruption of the economic system in the Gulf region due to the decline in market prices of fuel, UAE continued to register exceptional economic growth regionally and internationally (Zaremba & Szczygielski, 2019). The government has laid a long-term strategy to further economic growth is establishing the federations intention to diversify the economy and reduce reliance on fossil fuels and interest of global energy conservation. This has led to the dedication of funds in research to expand industries, assimilation of smart technologies, and the development of modern infrastructure to attract investment in different sectors (The UAE Defense Industry ICD Research, 2011). However, the exceptional culture interlinked with Islam and Muslim religion needs to be considered in product positioning and marketing. UAE Economic Analysis As established, the federal government launched the UAE Vision in 2010 that aims to integrate sustainable development goals (SDGs) before 2021. The vision comprises of\ four founding components: destiny, responsibility, prosperity, and knowledge. The vision has promoted the incorporation of SDGs in health, economy, education, government services, infrastructure, and housing across all the seven states. Since the UAE is making an effort to be integrated into global efforts unlike the federation’s conservative tradition, this will lead to more friendly trade regulations. This is intended to improve the countries’ performance in a range of international indicators compared to other participants globally. Notably, the emirates built t...
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