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Biological & Biomedical Sciences
Research Paper
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CAN. Biological & Biomedical Sciences Research Paper

Research Paper Instructions:

Research Paper Guidelines

1. Pick a disorder discussed in class. If you prefer to choose a disorder that was not discussed, contact me to ensure it is applicable.

2. Use 2 or more sources to research the etiology, presentation and possible treatments of the disorder. One resource may be your textbook.
3. Describe how gaining more information regarding this disorder may have changed your perspective? Does this have any affect on how you may interact with others in your future career?
4. Paper should be 1-2 pages.
Correct grammar and the use of APA formatting will be weighted in this assignment.
Due Date: Wednesday, November 20, 2019. (Printed, not emailed please)
APA Guidelines:
http: //www. eas vbib. com/ guides/students/writing- guide/i v-write/a-formatting/apa-paper-formatting/
Refworks—through library website
APA Manuals—library
Grading Scale:
Meets Requirements (10)
**1-2 pages ** Appropriate topic
**Organization (Please use paragraphs with intro and conclusion!!)
**Neatness **2+ Sources
Content (25)
** Sources relevant
**Demonstrates comprehension of topic ** Able to apply knowledge
Follows APA formatting (8)


Research Paper Guidelines
1. Pick a disorder discussed in class. If you prefer to choose a disorder that was not discussed, contact me to ensure it is applicable.
2. Use 2 or more sources to research the etiology, presentation and possible treatments of the disorder. One resource may be your textbook.
3. Describe how gaining more information regarding this disorder may have changed your perspective? Does this have any affect on how you may interact with others in your future career?
4. Paper should be 1-2 pages.
Correct grammar and the use of APA formatting will be weighted in this assignment.
Due Date: Wednesday, November 20, 2019. (Printed, not emailed please)
APA Guidelines:
http: //www. eas vbib. com/ guides/students/writing- guide/i v-write/a-formatting/apa-paper-formatting/
Refworks—through library website
APA Manuals—library
Grading Scale:
Meets Requirements (10)
**1-2 pages ** Appropriate topic
**Organization (Please use paragraphs with intro and conclusion!!)
**Neatness **2+ Sources
Content (25)
** Sources relevant
**Demonstrates comprehension of topic ** Able to apply knowledge
Follows APA formatting (8)Grammar/Proofreading (7)

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:

Author`s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Speech and language disorder is a common problem in young children. Children experience a delay in speech and language development as compared to the healthy development of a child. The disease develops as a child grows from the age of an infant to school age. It goes according to a particular timeline as well as patterns of growth. It is a stressing issue to parents; therefore, they seek the assistance of speech-language pathologist. In most cases, some children may catch up while others continue to face these difficulties as they experience problems in communication development. A young one with a speech disorder has issues with speech sound production, resonance, voice or even fluency. The causes of speech and language disorders are still unknown and are unproven. However, pathologists can associate specific reasons that lead to speech and language disorders in science.
Hearing loss is the common factor influencing speech and language disorder in kids. Chronic ear infection induces reduced conversation and language skill in children (GILLAM, 2019). A child with difficulty in hearing cannot hear words from the adults for an effective imitation to enable for fluent communication. The child can misinterpret the words for wrong or slurred tone. Some children have a neurological disorder such as cerebral palsy, brain injury or muscular dystrophy. A child has the problem in coordinating the muscles used in controlling the speech and the regions of the tongue. It also leads to hearing infection, which affects the speech and hearing mechanism of the child. The factor leading to is an intellectual disability when a child has problems in academic and daily skills.
Autism also is an influence of the speech and language disorder in children leading developmental problems in hearing and speech difficulties. The signs of this cause are the lack of nonverbal communication, as th...
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