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Grassroots Leadership And The Arts For Social Change

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I have uploaded six files, among which the Feedback is the scanned manuscript in PDF format. This file is the evaluation given to me by the professor. Please help me modify the Midterm IU file I uploaded according to the teacher's comments. Refer to the IAP file for homework requirements. The reading is Chapter 3,6,10 of the book Grassroots Leadership And The Arts For Social Change.

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Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date After reading the first chapter of the book Grassroots Leadership And The Arts For Social Change, I was entranced to the extent that I developed an appetite and curiosity of knowing more about the other chapters. During my reading session, I came to realize that these three chapters: chapter three, chapter six and chapter ten, were very significant in transforming individual's life within a societal setup and global at large. I found your book very interesting and found it wise to share with you more about these three chapters. The chapter which succinctly explores the topic of graffiti, street art and how women music transformed the world. I am very interested in these three aspects. First of all, theater tells things to people in the form of stories, which is well accepted by people. Street art and graffiti on the other hands appear similar though have a distinct difference when appropriately examined. Graffiti is defined as “… territorial makings or over vandalism typically containing the crude language” (Ehrenreich et al. 99). While street art is, “fine art practiced outside of the confines of traditional studious, galleries or museums. (Ehrenreich et al. 100). This form of arts championed by the subversive leaders like Banksy. Has been greatly exploited to advocate for the weak in a society that brutally or fiercely responds to those who correct their wicked vices. Chapter three explores Havel's early role as a writer in communist Czechoslovakia from the perspective of adaptive leadership. It is essential to understand the process of grassroots leadership, and this chapter uses the case study approach to provide a detailed analysis. After reading this chapter, I agree beyond a reasonable doubt, that theater should awaken people to reality and help them understand some vital problems solving skills. Theater as a relationship and the audience is an essential part of the play. The audience is the most critical part of the play because theater affects its audience. Without an audience, theater naturally has no influence. So, the theater is usually evaluated according to the reaction of the audience. Besides, I also learned that learning is critical and continuous. Because leadership depends on learning new methods, gaining new perspectives, and understanding how others respond to new problems. The fundamental task of leading social change is to shift from resistance to common purpose (Ferren 276) In my opinion, the reasons why theater can successfully influence social changes are as follows: firstly, the expression form of theater is secure to attract the audience, and its usual expression is the display of adapted stories or real events. The purpose of the action is to understand the relationship between theater and social change with adaptive leadership thinking. Havel and the mass group are participants. If they participate, people may be considered at an emotional and social disadvantage (Ehrenreich et al. 46). I am willing to take risks because only by taking part in actions can I study it more deeply; secondly, the most important reason is that this form is often readily accepted by people, and I can also enjoy happiness in the process of expression. This chapter describ...
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