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Answering questions Mathematics & Economics Research

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Kindly I need answers for the last 3 questions on this project. I will provide you with the previous tasks because they are related to each other.



Water Park Project Part 2


TASK 5:  Calculating the Distance

            A team of surveyors is trying to determine how large a space they will need to design your park.  You have been asked to determine, using the distance formula, how far away certain attractions are from one another.  This will provide them with the information they need to expand the park from your scaled blueprint to actual dimensions.  Calculate the distance in unit dimensions by applying your selected attraction points (Task 2) and the distance formula,

                                               D =

Show your work in the space provided!

Help Center to Water Slide #1

Toddler Area to Concessions





Gift Shop to Restrooms

Security Desk to Water Slide #2




Lazy River to Large Whirlpool





Help Center to Gift Shop

Restrooms to Water Slide #3


Concessions to Lazy River




Water Slide #1 to Water Slide #2

Water Slide #2 to Water Slide #3




Task 6:  Converting to Actual Dimensions


            Your water park design has been drawn as a blueprint, but to build it, you will need actual dimensions in lieu of the unit dimensions.  A large rectangular plot of land has been selected for development, and the city has given approval for construction.  Knowing that the actual dimensions for the land is 301m x 196 m in size, determine the scale of your coordinate system.


                        1st:  count the number of spaces along the length of your paper:  ___________ spaces.


                        2nd:  set a ratio equal to _________ spaces per 301m.


            Now, use this ratio to solve for the actual unknown distances by setting up a proportion and calculating.  Show your work!

Show your work in the space provided!

Help Center to Water Slide #1


Toddler Area to Concessions


Gift Shop to Restrooms

Security Desk to Water Slide #2




Lazy River to Large Whirlpool

Help Center to Gift Shop




Restrooms to Water Slide #3

Concessions to Lazy River




Water Slide #1 to Water Slide #2

Water Slide #2 to Water Slide #3





Task 7:  Writing Linear Equations.


            In task 3 you identified direct paths between various park attractions by drawing them in with red lines.  Now, you will show off your skills by writing equations for each of those red lines.


  • Use the linear equation, y = mx +b and solve for B (the y-intercept).  Use your slope (m) from task three and one of the identified endpoints of that line (x, y).


  • After solving for b, write each red line’s equation using only the value for slope and the y-intercept value, leaving x and y as variables!


Help Center to Water Slide #1


Solve for B:


                                           Y = _____ X + _____

Toddler Area to Concessions


Solve for B:


                                           Y = _____ X + _____



Gift Shop to Restrooms


Solve for B:


                                           Y = _____ X + _____

Security Desk to Water Slide #2


Solve for B:


                                           Y = _____ X + _____



Lazy River to Large Whirlpool


Solve for B:


                                           Y = _____ X + _____


Help Center to Gift Shop


Solve for B:


                                           Y = _____ X + _____



Restrooms to Water Slide #3


Solve for B:


                                           Y = _____ X + _____


Concessions to Lazy River


Solve for B:


                                           Y = _____ X + ______

Water Slide #1 to Water Slide #2


Solve for B:


                                           Y = _____ X + _____


Water Slide #2 to Water Slide #3


Solve for B:


                                           Y = _____ X + _____




Task 8:  Solving for Systems of Linear Equations:  Determining “intersection” point.


            By successfully writing equations to define each red line, you are now to solve for where those lines might meet on your coordinate grid. 

  • Select two lines, preferably two that cross on your blueprint, and use the substitution method to solve for their intersection point.

  • Mark each intersection point using a YELLOW POINT on your blueprint.

  • Repeat this for a total of three intersecting lines.


Example problem:

Y = -2X + 14  and Y = 3X – 7                     -2X + 14 = 3X – 7                             Y = -2(4.2) + 14

                                                                               -2X = 3X – 21                           Y = -8.4 + 14

                                                                               -5X = -21                                               Y = 5.6

                                                                                  X = 4.2

Intersection point = ( 4.2, 5.6 )


Equations:                 ________________________  and  ________________________


Solve for X:                                                                          Substitute for Y:

Intersection point =  ( _________ , _________ )



Equations:                 ________________________  and  ________________________


Solve for X:                                                                          Substitute for Y:

Intersection point =  ( _________ , _________ )


Equations:                 ________________________  and  ________________________


Solve for X:                                                                          Substitute for Y:

Intersection point =  ( _________ , _________ )


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Answering Mathematics Questions Sample
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TASK 5: Calculating the Distance
A team of surveyors is trying to determine how large a space they will need to design your park. You have been asked to determine, using the distance formula, how far away certain attractions are from one another. This will provide them with the information they need to expand the park from your scaled blueprint to actual dimensions. Calculate the distance in unit dimensions by applying your selected attraction points (Task 2) and the distance formula, D= (x2-x1)2+ (y2-y1)2
Show your work in the space provided!
Help Center (0,0) to Water Slide #1 (10,20)
D= (x2-x1)2+ (y2-y1)2
D= (10-0)2+ (20-0)2
D= 500
D= 22.36 units

Toddler Area (6, 13) to Concessions (14, 4)
D= (x2-x1)2+ (y2-y1)2
D= (14-6)2+ (4-13)2
D= 145
D= 12.04 units

Gift Shop (-16, -24) to Restrooms (7, 27)
D= (x2-x1)2+ (y2-y1)2
D= [7--16]2+ [27--24]2
D= (7+16)2+ (27+24)2
D= 3130
D= 55.95 units

Security Desk (12, -25) to Water Slide #2 (-14, -5)
D= (x2-x1)2+ (y2-y1)2
D= (-14-12)2+ [-5--25]2
D= (-14-12)2+ (-5+25)2
D= 1076
D= 32.80 units

Lazy River (-17, 29) to Large Whirlpool (0, -16)
D= (x2-x1)2+ (y2-y1)2
D= [0--17]2+ (-16-29)2
D= (0+17)2+ (-16-29)2
D= 2314
D= 48.10 units

Help Center (0, 0) to Gift Shop -16, -24)
D= (x2-x1)2+ (y2-y1)2
D= (-24-0)2+ (-16-0)2
D= 832
D= 28.84 units

Restrooms (7, 27) to Water Slide #3 (10, -7)
D= (x2-x1)2+ (y2-y1)2
D= (10-7)2+ (-7-27)2
D= 1165
D= 34.13 units

Concessions (14, 4) to Lazy River (-17, 29)
D= (x2-x1)2+ (y2-y1)2
D= (-17-14)2+ (29-4)2
D= 1586
D= 39.82 units

Water Slide #1 (-10, 20) to Water Slide #2 (-14, -5)
D= (x2-x1)2+ (y2-y1)2
D= [-14--10]2+ (-5-20)2
D= (-14+10)2+ (-5-20)2
D= 641
D= 25.32 units

Water Slide #2 (-14, -5) to Water Slide #3 (10, -7)
D= (x2-x1)2+ (y2-y1)2
D= [10--14]2+ [-7--5]2
D= (10+14)2+ (-7+5)2
D= 580
D= 24.08 units

Task 6: Converting to Actual Dimensions
Your water park design has been drawn as a blueprint, but to build it, you will need actual dimensions in lieu of the unit dimensions. A large rectangular plot of land has been selected for development, and the city has given approval for construction. Knowing that the actual dimensions for the land is 301m x 196 m in size, determine the scale of your coordinate system.
1st: count the number of spaces along the length of your paper: ____67_____ spaces.
2nd: set a ratio equal to ____67____ spaces per 301m.
Now, use this ratio to solve for the actual unknown distances by setting up a proportion and calculating. Show your work!
Show your work in the space provided!
Help Center to Water Slide #1
D= x2+ y2
D= (10)2+ (20)2
D= 500
D= 22.36 units
67301 m= 22.36x
67 x67= 6730.56 m67
x=100.46 m

Toddler Area to Concessions
D= x2+ y2
D= (9)2+ (8)2
D= 145
D= 12.04 units
67301 m= 12.04x
67 x67= 3624.04 m67
x=54.09 m

Gift Shop to Restrooms
D= x2+ y2
D= (23)2+ (51)2
D= 3130
D= 55.95 units
67301 m...
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