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Requirements for Professional Paper

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I want this professional paper to be on my specialty which is labor and delivery. I want the case study to be on Preeclampsia (Pregnancy Induced Hypertension), I also want all the 16 standard I listed below to reflect on the case study scenario that you will provide. Based on the case study you will provide. I want each standard of care listed below to be in its own paragraph. Standard of care 1. Assessment, 2. Diagnosis, 3. Outcomes Identification, 4. Planning, 5. Implementation, 6. Evaluation, 7. Ethics, 8. Education, 9. Evidence-Based Practice and Research, 10. Quality of Practice, 11. Communication, 12. Leadership, 13. Collaboration, 14. Professional Practice Evaluation, 15. Resource Utilization, 16. Environmental Health. ***This is just an example of a case study that I wanted to show you. "Please don't use this one.(A 35 year old lady at 32 weeks of gestation in her first pregnancy goes to your office for a minor upper respiratory tract infection. Incidentally, her blood pressure is found to be 155/90 mmHg with a pulse rate of 85/min. The cardiovascular examination and chest examinations are otherwise unremarkable. The size of uterus is appropriate for gestational age.)" Requirements for Professional Paper 1.Produce an informational professional paper on a professional nursing role. This paper will be written in your own words, using professional journal articles and nursing organization websites as references. IF you find that you are copying word for word so that someone else’s words are being presented as yours, you will receive a zero. 2.APA format required. 3.Use at least two American nursing journals published within the past ten years; no commercial websites 4.Cover page in APA format 5.Introduction: What is the professional nursing role you are researching? Explain the role. 6.Prove that it is a professional role -How does this role fulfill the definition of a profession rather than the definition of an occupation? 7. Educational preparations for role -Is there specific training required for this professional nursing role? -Is there a certification available and if so what is the process to obtain 8. Case study example: -Develop a case study identifying a patient/family that your nursing specialty would take care of. What specifically does this professional nurse do and focus on? Focus on what is special about this nursing role. 9. Standards: -Using all of the 16 nursing standards explain the standard and how specifically each standard applies to the work of this nursing role? Give examples for each standard using your research articles to support your ideas . 10. Publications and organizations -What are the specific nursing journals that would help this type of professional nurse succeed in this role and in what way would these journals help? -What specific professional Nursing organization(s) would help this type of professional nurse succeed in this role and in what way would these organizations help? 11. Conclusion - summary of the professional paper 12. Reference page -Attach both journal articles to your final paper. (You do not have to submit a clean copy of articles.) RUBRIC FOR PROFESSIONAL PAPER Not addressed 0 points Partially addressed 1-2 points Complete 3-4 points Total APA format /4 Spelling & grammar /4 Uses publications effectively /4 Two American nursing journals in past 5 yrs /4 Cover page /4 Introduction /4 Prove professional role /4 Educational preparations /4 Case study example /4 Standards 1-16- explain standard and give example specific to specialty nursing /64 4ptsx16 standards= 64 Publications & organizations /4 Conclusion /4 References- cited references correctly /4 FINAL GRADE on content of paper /112

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Requirements for Professional Paper
A labor and delivery nurse is one who assists women before, during and after birth. In addition to that, they take care of women who experience complications with their pregnancies and assist surgeons during cesarean deliveries (Wicklin, 2010). It is their duty to monitor both the health of the mother and child, provide postpartum care. To educate new mothers about newborn care and post-delivery health issues.
Why is it a Professional Role?
It is a professional role because the nurse applies professional knowledge and expertise to deliver services and support to the patient. The nurse is required to have advanced nursing skills and experience to provide professional and technical care to patients.
Education Preparations
A labor and delivery nurse needs to have earned an Associate of Science in Nursing or nursing degree from a recognized college or university. An elective course is taken in labor and delivery to be better prepared for a future career as a labor and delivery nurse. After graduation, the student must pass the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX). A Board Certification is required, and it is obtained by having experience as a staff nurse working in the labor and delivery unit.
Case Study
Mrs. Stevenson is a 39 primigravida who is 38 weeks pregnant. Her medical history reveals that she has type 1; diabetes while she is meticulous about her blood glucose control. She is not overweight, and her blood pressure properly controlled before she was pregnant and during the pregnancy. She visits a physician with worsening swelling of her ankles. Her midwife had detected protein in her urine earlier in the week. Although her blood pressure was previously normal, it had elevated at 162/102mmHg.
The labor and delivery nurse will ensure that Mrs. Stevenson undergoes the right procedure to achieve a diagnosis for her condition and later ensure the safe delivery of her child. She will help the surgeon in the cesarean procedure and monitor the mother and child after delivery.
The 12 Standards of Care
The registered nurse is required to collect information relevant to the patient’s health and condition. For the medical practitioner to assess the patient’s condition, the nurse should obtain prenatal blood pressure readings. Mrs. Stevenson had normal blood pressure at the beginning of her pregnancy, but it has increased to 162/102mmHg. The nurse should check the blood pressure four times at 15- minute interval and calculate the average blood pressure. A blood sample is obtained to monitor the blood cells. A test for urinalysis is done to test the urine for protein (proteinuria) and creatinine clearance. An ultrasound assessment of the fetus is conducted to check the fetal growth and the level of amniotic fluid (Education, 2014).
The diagnosis of preeclampsia is made only after 20 weeks gestation. The patient’s assessment records have to be positive for all tests carried out to ascertain its preeclampsia. The blood tests should indicate a low platelet count and the urinalysis show there is protein in the urine. A creatinine ratio wher...
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