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The Cause And Effect Of Culture Shock

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Literature Review:The Cause and Effect of Culture Shock
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Literature Review:The Cause and Effect of Culture Shock
The review of literature involves examining ten sources that delve into the issue of culture shock. Reviewing the literature gives a greater understanding of the factors promoting culture shock in society and the consequences associated with it.
Background information
The word culture shock traces its definition in 1960 from an anthropologist named Kalvero Oberg. Oberg used the expression ‘culture shock’ to describe a level of anxiety that results from being unaware of what to do when in a new culture (Furham, 2012, p. 11). The definition has taken various forms as multiple attempts have been made to expand the definition. According to Pedersen (1994), culture shock is a psychological construct that “has been used to describe the adjustment process in its emotional, psychological, behavioral, cognitive and physiological impact on individuals” (p.1). To sums up, culture shock is the initial reactions a person has when adjusting in a new environment.
People take years to get accustomed to their culture and would require a considerable amount of time to understand and get used to a new and unfamiliar culture. Individuals who experience foreign and new cultures are likely to experience distinct phases that lead to culture shock before adopting (Oberg, 1960, p.177; Dutton, 2011, p.4). Rajasekar & Renand (2013, p.145) contend that being unaware or ill-informed regarding various aspects of other factors is likely to contribute to culture shock. New environment and culture introduce one to a myriad of incomprehensible contextual signs that increase the feeling of helplessness and anger thus causing culture shock.
Researchers have also associated the cause of culture shock to individual psychology. When an individual enters drastically diverse cultural environments, they may experience psychological disorientation that is likely to cause or accelerate social anxiety, depression and even isolation (Eschbach et al., 2001, p.271; Chen, Lin & Sawangpattanakul, 2011, p.249). Such psychological responses to new and unfamiliar cultural environment increase the chances of culture shock.
Other factors considered to cause culture shock include personality characteristics and demographic factors. According to Sims and Schraederm (2004 p.80-83), personality traits are critical in influencing individuals towards culture shock. Such characteristics include interpersonal and relational skills, stress management skills, individual’s ability to conform to new cultures and ethnocentric attitudes.
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