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Immunology: Interferon-gamma IFN-g

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paper language Australian Academic English. The subject area is Biotechnology/ biology. what is required is Literature Review. AS it is not listed above. Strictly, fallow that attached assessment details file. The exapmle attached, is just for indication, and give you an idea of what is expected in term of structure, and word count for each sub-heading. I am expecting something better than the attached example. there are 4 topic where you can choose any one of them, I prefere the topic ( IFN-G Interferon-gamma) In addition to the attached assessment details: All resources must be current (last 5 year. I prefere more Journal article, however, the prime source of information cited MUST be from peer reviewed research puplications.
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Interferon-gamma IFN-g
Inteferons protect the body against viral infections, and the also affect many biological processes through the cytokine system. The production of interferon occurs through lymphocytes, and regulation of interferon gamma is through macrophages. Furthermore, the production of Inteferons occurs in reaction to infections.
IFN gamma is produced upon infection of T cells together with the interaction of natural killer cells (NK) which can be mitogens, alloantigen or antigen induced. On the contrary, IFN beta synthesis and IFN beta can be found in any cell. Furthermore, it is the only interferon found under Type II interferon. Interferon are grouped under cytokines since there discovery in 1957, and have protective mechanisms against viral infections [1-2]. The secretion of type II interferon through T and NK killer cells gives immunity against intracellular pathogens on the host. On the contrary, type I interferon offers protection through targeting cells and binding to receptors. Consequently, the mutation of interferon receptors and the deficiency of IFN gamma have been found to increase susceptibility to microbial infections. This paper looks into the mode of action and mechanisms associated with interferon gamma.
Review of literature
The discovery of the IFNs proved pivotal in the medical field as they could hinder the process of viral replication. To begin with their classification depended on the type of secreting cell, but nowadays they fall under type I and type II depending on sequence homology and receptor specificity [3]. Type I consists of various subtypes includes the alpha and beta types in humans. In addition, the production of IFN- β may occur through macrophages and viral infections facilitates the production of these types of interferon. Type I INFs have similar structures and they also bind to the same receptors.
On the other hand, IFN gamma binds to different types of receptors since the structure is different from that of type I IFNs. To begin, with scientists thought that the production of IFN gamma occurred through lymphocytes, CD 4+ cells, CD8+ cells, but after numerous studies were conducted other cells including professional antigen presenting cells and B cells also have the same effect[4]. Of particular interest is the impact of professional antigen cells in the activation of cells, this is thought to be effective through the defense of host cells, while through the adaptive immune system the lymphocytes are the main basis of gamma interferon.
The bone marrow is responsible for the production of macrophages, which typically die in large numbers following production through a process known as apoptosis [5]. After their productions the macrophages may gain special function, differentiate or simply die. In some cases the presence if IFNG makes sure that the macrophages survives through a signaling effect. IFNs ...
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