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Movie Review
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What Was The Overall Message Of The Ted Talk?

Movie Review Instructions:

What was the overall message of the Ted Talk?
What are your personal values?
How did your actions align with your values?
What are some things that you will consider when making decisions in the future?

Movie Review Sample Content Preview:
How to Make Better Decision Name Institution Due Date How to Make Better Decision What was the overall message of the Ted Talk? The overall message of the Ted Talk was that the decisions we make often exhibit the values we uphold in our lives. The values one upholds in their lives differentiates them from other people, and gifts one an identity. Often, people think that the choices they make do not mimic who they truly are. However, what the majority fail to understand is that every decision made is a reflection of the kind of person one is as well as a testament to what they believe in. The Ted Talk sought to explain that all the decisions we make in a day matter. Everyone needs to be invested in themselves and engaged in what they are doing. Staying conscious of one’s decisions is an important step towards monitoring what people seem to hold or regard as essential. The talk emphasizes on making sure that people first know what they seem to regard as important to themselves before making it known or starting to hold other people accountable for the same. It goes ahead to give an example of how one can personalize the choice of a political leader. This means that one considers their personal values as they elect their leader of choice. In the end, therefore, it all starts with one’s values and the discipline to stay true to them. What are your values? One of my values is authenticity or originality as some people often call it. Well, this value simply means that I like being myself and standing for what I believe in. Often, people get lost in what they are doing or in the people they are with or to things that are only temporary. However, I always try my best to remain true to who I am and to continue being myself. There are challenges as one would expect because, at times, I find myself pushed to extremes and the option to change or be someone else is always there for the taking. But I find a lot of strength in being myself and in working towards becoming better as myself and not someone else. Being authentic comes or goes hand in hand with honesty which is another personal value that I hold dearly. When you are authentic or ...
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