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Movie Review
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The Social Network: Character Relationship

Movie Review Instructions:
As we are now to the point in the film where The Facebook is about to become Facebook as we now know it, in five (5) paragraphs, examine the relationship that Mark Zuckerberg has with Erica Albright, his girlfriend. She also played a role in the building of the site, but at what cost?
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The Social Network: Character Relationship
Movie Review
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The “social network” is a drama movie involving the intrigues and lawsuits of facebook founders that was created in 2010. Facebook is a common website used for social networking that was established in 2004.  HYPERLINK "" \o "Mark Zuckerberg" Mark Zuckerberg and some of his roommates are the pioneers of this website (O'Neill, 2009). Albright Erica is hitherto, an imaginary girlfriend of Zuckerberg while at Havard University. The movie, “social network” opens with a scene where Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of facebook gets at a cross road with his girlfriend Albright Erica. This subsequently triggers him to more interactions in the internet. In the break up of this relationship, Zuckerberg is perceived as being pricky while his girlfriend is considered as the one who has been wronged.
Zuckerberg and Albright are depicted as exchanging dialogue while taking drinks in a popular joint. In these discussions, there are different topics which they are engaged in but which have no particular theme or agenda. The kind of talk, which Zuckerberg is engaged in, portrays him as someone who is incompetent in social circumstances as it is also depicted in many parts of the movie. In addition to these is that he is a fast talker and his words are not very clear. His other characters as portrayed in the talks with his girlfriend include being arrogant and naïve on many aspects ( HYPERLINK "mailto:[email protected]" Sturdivant, 2009). It makes it quite interesting to understand the character of the man considered as the facebook pioneer. Albright finds these characters in this man intolerable and it is the reason why she decides to break up with him.
Owing to the breakup, Albright starts another website similar to the one founded by  HYPERLINK "" \o "Mark Zuckerberg" Zuckerberg. On this site, she writes that she was indeed the girlfriend of Zuckerberg and that she ...
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